Responsibility and Liability Agreement - Student Technology


This agreement should be sent to students when they are assigned University laptop.


Table of Contents

Purpose of Agreement

The purpose of this agreement is to specify the responsibilities of students receiving University-owned equipment and to provide students with important information about policies that govern the use of technology owned and managed by The Ohio University (“Ohio”).

Sole use of equipment

  • I have been assigned the OHIO-owned laptop and software for my sole use and benefit as a learning tool while actively enrolled as a student at OHIO. I am assuming responsibility for the item(s) as long as they are issued to me.
  • The use of these items is a privilege that can be revoked. Inappropriate use or neglect can result in limits to or loss of use of university resources. I will take every precaution to protect the equipment.
  • I will not attempt to sell, give away, or otherwise attempt to transfer ownership of the device or related accessories (including chargers, cables, and software) in any way. I am responsible for any third-party usage of the equipment.

Returning the equipment

  • I must immediately return/check-in this equipment and all related accessories (including chargers, cables, and software) at the request of OHIO.
  • If I cease my enrollment with OHIO for any reason, I will return the equipment and all related accessories within 30 days, or I may purchase the equipment at its depreciated value (as determined by OHIO). Failure to return or purchase the equipment may result in it being remotely reset to the original configuration or disabled and rendered nonfunctional with a charge for its replacement applied to my university accounts through the Bursar’s Office. Past-due accounts with the Bursar’s Office may incur finance charges and trigger collection efforts. For all returns or for inquiries regarding purchase contact the the Office of Information Technology by calling 740.593.1222 or email in a new window).

In the event of loss, theft, or damage

  • If the equipment is damaged, I may be held financially responsible for the repair or replacement of the equipment.
  • In the event that I report the equipment lost or stolen or OHIO has cause to believe the device is no longer in my possession, the device may be rendered nonfunctional and the built-in tracking mechanism (“Lost Mode”) may be enabled by the university to allow for recovery of the device.
  • In the event of loss or theft, I will immediately file a report with the appropriate Police agency and contact the Office of Information Technology at 740.593.1222 or email in a new window).

Appropriate use

  • The equipment, accessories, and software covered in this agreement are issued for educational use in my courses and for course-related work, and for managing other student life and university-related activities (e.g. registering for classes, participating in OHIO student organizations, managing my accounts etc.). Appropriate personal use of the technology is permitted.

  • I am solely responsible for the conduct with which the equipment, its software, and other University resources accessed by the equipment are used.

  • Any attempt to bypass, remove or alter functionality established by the university will result in the equipment being remotely reset to its original configuration or disabled and rendered nonfunctional, with potential loss of data on the device.

  • Should ownership of the equipment be transferred from OHIO to me the university will remove all software owned by OHIO. In some instances this may be require the equipment be reset to its factory state.

  • I may not copy or distribute any software provided by OHIO. I cannot copy, forward or otherwise distribute, in any manner, any of the OHIO's confidential information on the device.

  • Installing software in any manner is not permitted without written permission from OHIO.

  • Like any device connected to the university network, the network traffic to and from the equipment may be subject to routine monitoring, which is intended to protect against security threats, intrusion, and illegal activity.

  • It is my responsibility to ensure my data is safe and secure in the event that the equipment becomes corrupted, must be reset or replaced, or is lost. OHIO is not responsible for backing up the data on the equipment.

  • Because the equipment is configured specifically for academic use, I will not use it for university business as an employee of OHIO.

  • I agree to comply with all federal, Ohio and other applicable laws, University rules and policies and all applicable contracts and licenses. Examples of such laws include the laws of libel, privacy, copyright, trademark, obscenity and child pornography (including the sharing of photos/videos), the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, and HIPAA. I will not use the equipment or software for any illegal or unlawful purposes.

  • I understand that failure to comply with these responsibilities and requirements may result in the equipment being remotely reset to its original configuration or disabled and rendered nonfunctional, and loss of future access to equipment, in addition to applicable financial liability, which may be charged through the Bursar’s Office to my university accounts and will be subject to finance charges and collection efforts. OHIO may also pursue remedies under the Code of Student Conduct or other legal and criminal remedies if warranted. I have read this entire Student Technology Responsibility and Liability Agreement. I acknowledge receipt of the equipment and software described below, fully understand this agreement and agree to be fully bound to the provisions set forth herein.

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Thu 6/9/22 9:07 AM
Wed 7/31/24 2:12 PM