Archiving/Restoring or Deleting Unused Teams


Guidance and help on archiving, restoring, and deleting teams in Microsoft Teams.



Team owners in Microsoft Teams will need to remove or archive old teams over time.  Deleting the team will permanently remove the team from Teams.  Archiving the team will allow you to search the team content and will give you the option to restore the team at a later date. This article references Microsoft help pages that explain how to delete or archive your unused teams.


Mac, PC, and Web Browser


Archive a team in Microsoft Teams

Archive a team when it’s no longer being used, but you want to reference information in it, or may want to reactivate the team later. When you archive a team, the  conversations and files in the team become read-only. Only team owners can archive and restore teams.

Delete a team in Microsoft Teams

Delete a team in Microsoft Teams when you no longer need it.  This permanently removes the team and it cannot be referenced or restored.  Only team owners can delete a team.

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Article ID: 553
Wed 1/25/23 2:05 PM
Fri 11/17/23 11:07 AM