How to schedule eMedley student clinical rotations using the schedule planner.
Scheduling Rotations
eMedley > Clinical > edusched > Schedule Planner

Actions > Add Schedules

Cohort > select appropriate class cohort
Use search bar to locate student(s) or scroll to find students
Click student(s) to schedule
Multiple students with the same rotation, period, site, and preceptor can be scheduled at the same time

Start Date and End Date will automatically populate based on period selected. Do not change State Date and End Date.
Make sure to select the rotation/section in the correct academic year and a section not previously scheduled for the student
Click “Published” if you want the rotation to be published on the student’s schedule.
Published – the student can view, coursework and evaluations will generate
Unpublished – the student cannot view, coursework and evaluations will not generate
Once data is entered, click Save



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