Clearing the Cache for New Teams Installation


Get help with clearing your Teams cache for installation of New Teams application or when toggling to New Teams.



Use the steps below to clear the cache if running into issues installing the New Teams application or toggling to New Teams once the application has been installed.


Mac, PC

Table of Contents


OIT Managed Macs

Note: An OIT-managed Mac refers to a Mac device that requires an OHIO email and password to log in.

1. Open Finder and navigate to your Applications folder. 

2. Open Self Service.

Image of Self Service app icon

3. Under the Self Service category, navigate to Clear Teams Cache and select Clear.

Clear Teams Cache icon image

4. In the popup, select Quit Teams and Clear Cache. It will take a few minutes to clear the cache.

Image of the text box to select the option to quit teams and clear cache

5. After the cache is cleared, you will be prompted to either Open New Teams, Open Classic Teams, or Don't Open Teams.  Select Open New Teams

Image of window that confirms the cache was cleared


Personal Macs

1. Open Finder.

2. From the Go menu, select Go To Folder.

image showing where to find the Go To Folder

3. Type the following text: ~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft and press the return key:

4. Delete the Teams folder.

5. From the Go menu, select Go To Folder again.

6, Type the following: ~/Library/Group Containers and press the return key.

7. Find the folder and delete it.

8. From the Go menu, select Go To Folder again and type the following text: ~/Library/Group Containers

9. Find the Microsoft Teams (work or school) folder and delete it.


Windows PCs (OIT Managed)

Note: An OIT-managed PC refers to a Windows PC that requires an OHIO email and password to log in.

1. Make sure your computer is connected to the OHIO network (eduroam Wi-Fi for on-campus, VPN for off-campus). 

2. Open your Start Menu

3. Depending on which Windows OS you have:

a. Using the Search feature, search for Software Center and select it.

b. Using the Search bar, enter Teams - Clear Cache.

Image of Software Center with Teams - Clear Cache icon displayed

c. Select Teams - Clear Cache and from the following window, select Install.

Software Center selection to Install Teams - Clear Cache item

d. This will close the Outlook and Teams applications and clear out the Teams cache.  Once completed, you will need to restart Teams and Outlook.

Personal Windows PCs 

For personally owned Windows PCs, please follow the steps outlined in Microsoft's Clear the Teams client cache article.

Outcome: You should now be able to access New Teams on your computer.

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Article ID: 716
Mon 12/11/23 4:31 PM
Tue 1/2/24 3:23 PM