This article provides the steps to create an account for TeamDynamix Solutions, the vendor's help hub for students, staff, and faculty who use TeamDynamix. TeamDynamix Solutions offers a knowledge base with lots of help articles, as well as features to check system status, contact TeamDynamix support, submit enhancement requests, view the requests you have submitted, and more.
Web browser
In order to log in to TeamDynamix Solutions, you will need to create an account.
Note: Your OHIO TeamDynamix user name and password will NOT grant you access to the TeamDynamix Solutions site.
- Navigate to

- Select Sign In on the top of the page.

- On the Sign In screen, select Create an Account.

- On the Register an Account screen, input the required information and click Register at the bottom to register your account.

Outcome: You should now have access to the resources and information on the TeamDynamix Solution site.
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