Setting meetings to default to online Teams meetings


Learn to configure your Outlook settings so that every meeting you schedule defaults to an online Teams meeting.



At Ohio University, Teams meeting links are NOT included by default when you schedule meetings via your Outlook calendar. However, you can edit this option yourself so that every meeting you schedule defaults to an online Teams meeting.


PC, Mac, web browser, mobile device


From Outlook

  1. Open Outlook

  2. Select File, then Options Screenshot of Outlook file menu with Options highlighted with a red circle

  3. In the left navigation menu, select Calendar

  4. Select the check box for Add online meeting to all meetings Screenshot of the options menu, with Calendar highlighted with a red circle

  5. Select OK


From Catmail (online)

  1. Log in to Catmail with your OHIO email address and password via

  2. Select the Settings gear icon in the upper rightScreenshot of the online catmail system, with the settings icon highlighted with a red circle

  3. At the bottom, select View all Outlook settings Screenshot of the Settings menu, with the View all Outlook settings option highlighted with a red circle

  4. Select Calendar, then select Events and invitationsScreenshot of the Settings menu, with "Calendar" and "Events and invitations" highlighted with red circles

  5. Select the check box for Add online meeting to all meetingsScreenshot of the Settings menu with "Add online meeting to all meetings" highlighted with a red circle

  6. Select Save Screenshot of the Settings menu with the Save button highlighted with a red circle


Outcome: You should now be able to configure your settings so that your meetings automatically include a Teams meeting link.

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Article ID: 285
Fri 4/8/22 12:45 PM
Tue 5/24/22 10:52 AM