Navigating data retention standards in REDCap


REDCap projects will be available to project owners (and those with whom a project has been shared) within REDCap for 7 years after the “most recent activity” in the project. The “most recent activity” dates for a project can be viewed by logging into REDCap, clicking “My Projects”, selecting your project, and then clicking the “Project Home” tab.



REDCap projects will be available to project owners (and those with whom a project has been shared) within REDCap for 7 years after the most recent activity in the project.


REDCap System Server database


Starting the 11th week of each fall and spring semester all projects that have a most recent activity dated older than 7 years will be subject to permanent deletion from REDCap. Most Recent Activity refers to any change to the database such as, but not limited to the following:  

  • Modifying/Editing a project  

  • Changing a project status  

  • Data input into a project (either manual or through a designed instrument)  

  • Exporting data from a project  

  • Adding/Removing/Editing user access to project  

The project deletion process will occur toward the end of every semester. 

  • 11th week of fall 2021 – deletion of projects with a most recent activity date of 11/1/2014 

  • 11th week of spring 2022 – deletion of projects with a most recent activity date of 4/1/2015  

  • 11th week of fall 2022 – deletion of projects with a most recent activity date of 11/1/2015  

  • 11th week of spring 2023 – deletion of projects with a most recent activity date of 4/1/2016 

  • 11th week of fall 2023 – deletion of projects with a most recent activity date of 11/1/2016 

  • 11th week of spring 2024 – deletion of projects with a most recent activity date of 4/1/2017  

Researchers are also encouraged to create and keep a local export (copy) of their own projects if needed.

Viewing the most recent activity dates of a project

  1. Log into REDCap

  2. Click My Projects

  3. Select your project

  4. Click the Project Home tab

Copying or backing up a project

  1. Log into REDCap

  2. Click My Projects

  3. Select your project

  4. Click the Other Functionality tab

  5. Scroll down to the Copy or Back Up the Project section.

There are currently no exceptions to this standard. This standard will be reviewed by the Surveys Advisory Community based on fluctuations in the technology landscape, and/or changes to established practices and mandates. The draft version of this standard was approved on 7/15/21. 

Outcome: You should now be able to navigate data retention standards for all projects on the REDCap System Server database.

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Article ID: 45
Mon 3/21/22 10:18 AM
Tue 8/30/22 1:11 PM