If you do not use your account for an extended period of time, or if your role at the university changes, your account may be deactivated or deleted. Ohio University reserves the right to deactivate online accounts.
If you do not use your account for an extended period of time, or if your role at the university changes, your account may be deactivated or deleted. Ohio University reserves the right to deactivate online accounts.
Former students and alumni
Student and alumni accounts that have not been logged into for 18 months will be deactivated.
Your OHIO employee account will be deactivated when you separate from the university.
Retirees and emeriti
Retiree and emeriti accounts that have not been logged into for 18 months will be deactivated but not deleted. Deactivated accounts can be re-enabled by contacting the IT Service Desk.
Long-term guest accounts must be renewed annually by the sponsoring employee. If a sponsor does not renew a guest account, that account will be deactivated automatically on its expiration date. Sponsors have a responsibility to request early deactivation for guest accounts that are no longer needed.
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