Navigating Go OHIO App Experiences


This article describes the steps a user would take to change between the multiple app experiences offered by the Go OHIO mobile and web applications.



Go OHIO offers multiple app experiences that correspond to groups of users with common needs, such as students attending the various OHIO campuses. Each app experience presents content that is relevant to the users of the corresponding group. This article describes to users how they can switch between different app experiences.


Go OHIO Android app, Apple iOS app, and web application


There are three ways to navigate away from a currently selected Go OHIO app experience. Each option will return the user to the Persona Selector screen to choose a new experience. 

1. Home

  • Open Go OHIO
  • Scroll to the bottom of the Home screen
  • Choose Select a different app experience


2. Menu

  • Open Go OHIO
  • Select Menu
  • Scroll down to the Help & Utilities section of the menu
  • Choose Select a different app experience

Go OHIO mobile app menu with "Select a different app experience" option indicated


3. Profile

  • Open Go OHIO
  • Select the Profile icon in the upper right of any screen
  • Choose My App Experience/Tap to select a different app experience

Go OHIO mobile app profile screen with head and shoulders icon indicated and "Tap to select a different app experience" option indicated


Persona Selector

Each of these three navigation options opens the Go OHIO Persona Selector screen shown below. Select a new app experience from the list to view Go OHIO content curated for that group:

Go OHIO mobile app persona selector screen

Outcome: You should now be able to switch between the different Go OHIO app experiences.

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Article ID: 855
Thu 4/11/24 12:02 PM
Fri 9/27/24 8:22 AM