Student Org Expenditure Request

When to Use this Form

Use this form on behalf of your student org to:

  • submit a receipt for someone to be reimbursed for a personal expense.
  • submit a request to pay someone for a service, or to set up a contract with a vendor.
  • submit paperwork to pay an external supplier.
  • request to give funds to another student org.
  • request to donate funds to a non-profit
  • request to have the OHIO BSC make a purchase for you.

Form Requirements

Please complete your request in one sitting. Do not close your browser before submitting your request. You will be able to amend your request after it is submitted.

Click the Create Request button to the right to access the form. If you are not already logged in, you will be prompted to sign in with your OHIO ID and password.

The required fields on this form are:

  • Title - a short name of your choice that will be used in communication and status updates to help you easily identify this request (e.g., Chillicothe mileage reimbursement, Walmart snacks for Feb event, etc.)
  • Requestor - automatically populates with your name, but you may change it if you complete this form for another OHIO student.
  • Org Lookup – search and locate the name and number of your student org. You can also go to BobcatConnect to find the 4-digit Account Number for your Student Org to help.
  • Account Type – choose which type of student org account (10, 80, 50) you are requesting to spend.
    • If you don’t know, book an appointment with us or choose 10.
    • If you choose more than one account type, please include an explanation of why or how to split your expenses in the Notes/Comments box at the bottom of the form.
  • The type(s) of transaction you are requesting – choose any or all the following (each will have its own set of fields to complete)
    • Reimbursement - for all reimbursement requests, you must:
      • Tell us who should be reimbursed and how to contact them (phone and address)
      • Describe any purchases, including their price, and attach a legible, dated, itemized receipt for every reimbursement. Review this information about acceptable receipts.
      • Provide a total amount to be reimbursed.
    • Pay an OHIO Student for a Service - for all payment to student requests, you must:
      • Tell us what OHIO student should be paid.
      • Describe the service they provided.
      • Provide the total amount to be paid to them.
    • Pay a Non-Student for a Service - for all payment to student requests, you must:
      • Tell us whether the person is internal or external to the University (i.e., are they an employee or not), who they are, and their contact information (phone or email), if they are external to the University.
      • Describe the service they provided and the dates of that service.
      • Provide the total amount to be paid to them.
    • Transfer Funds – to request to move funds from your student org to another student org, you must:
      • Provide the name and number of the student org you want to receive the funds.
      • Describe the purpose of the transfer.
      • Provide the total amount to be transferred to the other student org.
    • Donate your Funds to a Non-Profit – to request to donate your student org funds to a non-profit organization, you must:
      • Provide the name, mailing address, and phone number of the non-profit organization.
      • Describe the purpose of the donation.
      • Provide the total amount to be transferred to be donated.
    • Purchase a Good – to request that staff in the Business Service Center make a purchase on your student org funds, you must:
      • Describe the item to be purchased and how many are needed.
      • Provide the cost per item and the total purchase amount.
  • Overall Total Cost – include all the expenses, reimbursements, payment requests, transfers, etc. you are including in this request.

Frequent Questions:

Who can see the details of my requests?

The Requestor, staff in CSEL and the BSC, and any people affiliated with OHIO who were added in the Additional Contact(s) field.

How can I access the details of my request?

You can access all your requests with the BSC and OIT on the Ticket Requests page. All communication about your request will come to your OHIO email address from Ohio University Business Service Center <>, but you may at any time access your requests and any requests for which you have been added to via Ticket Requests.

How can I learn more about using the form?

You can watch video demonstrations of the form on the OHIO BSC YouTube channel. You can also book an appointment with us (in-person or online).

How can I learn more about my student org’s finances?

Please book an appointment with us. We have in-person and online appointments available.

I requested an item to be purchased. Where do I pick it up?

Items that are shipped to campus can be picked up in Lindley Hall, N178. Follow the signs for “Student Org Finances.”

Why can’t I attach multiple items in the Attachment section on the form?

You must add multiple documents at one time, and they have to be in the same folder on your device to be selected together.

What is the reimbursement rate for mileage on the use of a personal vehicle?

Beginning July 1, 2024, reimbursements charged to student organizations for mileage on a personal vehicle will be reimbursed following standard mileage rates as set by the IRS. The charity rate (2024 = 14 cents/mile) will be the default. If the student organization desires and has approval, the self-employed and business rate (2024 = 67 cents/mile) may be requested.

Next Steps and Turn-around Time

Shortly after the form is submitted, the person listed as the Requestor will receive an email (to their OHIO email address) notification confirming the submission.

Purchasing staff in the BSC endeavor to begin working on your request within 2 business days of approval of the expense by staff in the Center for Student Engagement and Leadership.

If you have an urgent request, please Live Chat with a BSC specialist (M – F, 8am – 5pm, holidays excluded).