Service Catalog

Services (14)

Purchase an Item(s)

Use this form to request the BSC:
• purchase goods, including supplies, software, hardware, memberships, subscriptions, etc.
• submit an invoice for payment.
• set up a Purchase Order (PO).

You may also use this form to obtain and document approvals:
• for items you will purchase on your own.
• to submit a shopping cart you have created in Bobcat Buy.

Make Travel Arrangements

Use this form to request:
• BSC staff initiate travel arrangements for you or someone(s) else.
• a travel advance.
• approvals for travel arrangements you are making yourself.

Reminder: University travel must be booked via Concur.

Substantiate PCard Purchases and Reimburse Travel

Use this form to:
• submit receipts for items you purchased on a PCard so that BSC staff can prepare your expense report.
• request reimbursement for personal travel expenses (e.g., per diem, mileage for a personal vehicle).

To request reimbursement for a completed purchase of a good or service not related to travel, please use the form to Reimburse Personal Payment for a Purchased Item (non-travel) or to a Person (non-student) or Supplier.

Register for a Conference (unknown travel details or no travel required)

Use this form to obtain and document approvals for your conference/workshop registration AND have the BSC staff process your registration.

Pay a Supplier or Person (non-student) for a Service or Request an Honorarium

Use this form to request OHIO BSC staff:
• initiate payment to a person (non-student) or a supplier to provide a service.
• initiate payment to a person for an honorarium.

Pay a Student for a Scholarship or an Award or Reimburse a Student for a Purchased Item

Use this form:
• to request OHIO BSC staff initiate payment to an OHIO student for a scholarship or an award.
• to reimburse an OHIO student for a good they purchased for University business (not travel).

Reimburse Personal Payment for a Purchased Item (non-travel) or to a Person (non-student) or Supplier

Use this form to request reimbursement for:
• a purchased item (non-travel) that used a personal form of payment.
• for a payment to a person or supplier (non-student) that used a personal form of payment.

Borrow a Department PCard

Use this form to obtain and document approvals for borrowing a Department PCard.

Request General Information

Use this form:
• when you are unsure which form to use.
• to ask a question.
• to request information about policies and procedures.
• to request a quote for a purchase or for travel.
• to request the OHIO BSC submit an external billing.

Learning Community Leader Reimbursement Form

This form is to be used by student employees only. Student employees may use this form to submit receipt(s) and other information to seek reimbursement for items purchased for University business (not travel).

Student Org Expenditure Request

Use this form to:
• reimburse a member of your student org.
• transfer funds from one student org to another.
• pay a student, employee, or vendor for a service on behalf of your org.
• request to make a purchase using your student org account.

Request OHIO Ready Staff

Use this form to request OHIO Ready Staff for temporary placement in your department.

ICD Contracts for Part-Time and Additional Pay

Use this form to request ICD part-time and additional pay contracts, including overload and bonuses.