Instructors can set exam availability and due dates in Canvas, but system differences between Canvas and Proctortrack may impact student access. Specifically, Proctortrack does not always recognize extended exam availability for individual students and enforces stricter access rules regarding due dates. This article outlines these behaviors and provides workarounds for instructors.
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Extended Exam Availability in Canvas and Proctortrack
Instructors can extend exam availability and due dates for individual students in Canvas. However, due to system limitations, these extensions may not always sync correctly with Proctortrack.
- Canvas allows instructors to provide accommodations for individual students, such as extended time, multiple attempts, and extended availability dates for assignments and quizzes.
- A known issue prevents Proctortrack from recognizing extended start and/or end dates for individual students. As a result, affected students cannot launch their exams in Proctortrack, even if the exam remains available in Canvas.
- This unexpected behavior is currently under investigation by the Proctortrack vendor.
Exam Due Dates in Canvas and Proctortrack
Canvas allows instructors to set Due Dates and Until Dates to control when students can submit their exams. However, due to system differences, Proctortrack enforces stricter access rules:
- In Canvas, instructors can set a Due Date without an Until Date. If no Until Date is set, students can still submit the exam after the Due Date, but it will be marked late.
- In Proctortrack, students cannot access an exam after the Due Date, regardless of whether an Until Date is set in Canvas.
- This expected behavior is a feature restriction that assists instructors in limiting access to their exams after the due date has passed.
Workarounds for Instructors
For extended exam availability (bug):
Until a permanent fix is implemented for extended availability dates not syncing, instructors can use any of the following workarounds:
- Adjust the Until Date in Canvas
- Removing these restrictions in Canvas ensures Proctortrack does not block the student’s access.
- Be mindful that this allows all students to access the exam within the new availability window.
- Allow the student to take the exam without Proctortrack
- If proctoring is not required, the student can take the exam directly in Canvas without using Proctortrack.
- Create a duplicate exam for the student
- Copy the exam and assign it only to the affected student.
- Keep in mind that this may require manual grade adjustments in Canvas to ensure accurate calculations.
Outcome: By understanding these system limitations and using the recommended workarounds, instructors can ensure students have appropriate access to their exams in both Canvas and Proctortrack.
Get help
OIT provides assistance for issues related to university system settings, Canvas/Blackboard integration, or institutional policies. For all Proctortrack-related technical issues, please contact Proctortrack support first.
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