Providing Student Accommodations for Online Assessments in Canvas


Canvas allows instructors to provide accommodations for online quizzes and assignments for individual students. Common accommodations include extended time, multiple attempts, or extended due dates for assignments and quizzes.  


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Table of Contents


Adding Extra Time and/or Attempts for Classic Quizzes

  1. Log in to Canvas at
  2. Use the Courses tab on the left global navigation menu to find your course
  3. Navigate to the Quizzes section of your course
  4. Select the appropriate quiz
    • A quiz must be published before you can add extra time or attempts
  5. Select Moderate This Quiz button in the upper right corner
  6. Check the box next to the name of the student, or students you wish to provide with accommodations
    • If multiple students have the same accommodations, you can update them together
  7. Select Change Extensions for Selected Students
  8. Review the accommodations listed below student names to ensure accuracy
  9. Enter appropriate student extensions and select Save


Adding Extra Time and/or Attempts for New Quizzes 

  1. Log in to Canvas at
  2. Use the Courses tab on the left global navigation menu to find your course
  3. Navigate to the Quizzes section of your course
  4. Select the quiz you want to edit
    • A quiz must be published before you can add extra time or attempts
  5. Select the Build button in the lower right corner
  6. Select Moderate
  7. Select the Moderate button in the row for the student to be accommodated
  8. Enter appropriate assessment settings based on the student's needs
  9. Minimize the assessment settings by clicking on another area of the page
  10. Review the Accommodations column to ensure accuracy
  11. You may also select the pencil icon in the Accommodations column to apply a student's time-based accommodation to all assessments within New Quizzes
  12. Select Return in the upper right corner


Adjusting Due Dates for Individual Students for Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes

  1. Log in to Canvas at
  2. Use the Courses tab on the left global navigation menu to find your course
  3. Navigate to the Assignments section of your course
  4. Select the name of the assignment, discussion, or quiz for which you want to extend the due date
  5. Select the Edit button on the upper right corner of the details page of the assignment, discussion, or quiz
  6. Select the Manage Assign To button
  7. Select the +Add button below the original due date
  8. In the Assign To field, type the name of the student receiving an extended due date
  9. In the Due Date field, select the calendar icon and choose the extended due date from the pop-up calendar.
    • You can also type the date manually in the format of MM/DD/YYYY
  10. In the Available From and Until fields, you can opt to change the availability dates for the individual student.
    • The availability dates determine when the assignment will open and close for students. If you leave these fields blank, the student will have the same availability dates as the rest of the class.
  11. Select the Apply button
  12. Select the Save button at the bottom of the page to apply the changes

Outcome: You should now be able to extend due dates or provide students with additional time or attempts according to their individual needs.

Note: If you are using Proctortrack for exam proctoring, extended due dates and availability settings in Canvas may not always sync correctly with Proctortrack. For more details and workarounds, refer to Managing Exam Availability and Due Dates in Canvas and Proctortrack.

Get Help From Canvas

  • Live chat with Canvas support (Faculty) 
  • Get 24-hours/7-days a week Canvas support  
    • Dial the Canvas Support Hotline number located under "Get Help" in the Canvas Global Navigation Menu 
    • Contact OIT at 740-593-1222 for questions related to logging in, test courses/manually created courses, or third-party tools (Panopto, VoiceThread, Inclusive Access, etc.) 

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Canvas is an online Learning Management System designed to facilitate communication and the sharing of course content between instructors, teaching assistants, students, and guests.