Creating course content and assignments in Blackboard Original


Create new content and assignments for students in Blackboard Original.



Blackboard provides many flexible options to organize and deliver your course content.


Mac, PC, and mobile app


  • Create containers for content - Provide structure and organization to your course using content folders and learning modules.

  • Create course materials - Explore the wide variety of content types and how to best use them to engage your students.

  • Digital course materials - Connect with OIT staff to offer digital content like ebooks and courseware for your students through the OHIO Digital Content: Inclusive Access program.

  • Libraries content folder - Ohio University Libraries (video hosted on YouTube) – Use this tool inside Blackboard to search for and link to licensed library content (copyright compliant) and build reading lists at the same time. 

  • Assignments - Communicate assignment instructions and requirements, collect submissions, grade/annotate student work, and provide feedback to students using Blackboard Assignments.

    • Blackboard offers flexibility with regard to setting up assignments within your course. You can create assignments in content areas, learning modules, and folders. Assignments may be configured to accept individual submissions from students, as well as group submissions where one group member submits an attempt on behalf of the entire group. Additionally, you can control when the assignment is available to students, set a due date, allow single or multiple attempts, and even add a rubric for the assignment. 

  • Release content - Customize the student experience by specifying criteria and thresholds to control the presentation of course materials.

  • Complete a course copy - Copy course material from one course to another, such as from a development course to a live course. 

  • Turnitin Assignments - Instructors can create Turnitin assignments that use a built-in similarity checker that generates a report for each student’s submission.

  • Portfolios - Instructors can create Portfolio assignments within their Blackboard course, which allow students to demonstrate progress and achievement over a period of time. Portfolio tools allow authors to effectively present their information in a cohesive, personalized format.

  • Course content Blackboard help - Information on creating new content, reusing content from a prior semester, and customizing when content is made available to your students

  • Instructor questions about assignments - Get answers to common content questions. 

Outcome: You should now be able to add new content and assignments to your Blackboard Original Course.

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Article ID: 202
Thu 3/24/22 10:49 AM
Thu 1/11/24 4:33 PM