You can request that portfolios be submitted for course assignments in Blackboard Original. Portfolios are an invaluable tool in academic and professional development. They provide a powerful medium for users to efficiently collect and organize artifacts representative of work completed over time. Portfolios offer a means to demonstrate formative and/or summative progress and achievement. Portfolio authors are empowered with tools to effectively present their information in a cohesive, personalized format.
Note: When a student submits a portfolio assignment, the submission is a snapshot of the portfolio at that moment. If the student edits the portfolio after it has been submitted, you will not see those changes.
PC and Mac
Create a portfolio assignment
Navigate to a content area in your Blackboard course
Hover over the Assessments tab and click on Assignment
On the Create Assignment page, expand Submission Details and select Portfolio Submission
Optionally, select a Portfolio Template students should use in their portfolio submissions
If you do not choose to select a Portfolio Template, students can submit a portfolio structured however they choose
Note: Portfolio Templates can be created for departments or programs. When a Portfolio Template is created in Blackboard, it is visible to all Ohio University Blackboard users, not just those within your program or department.
Outcome: You should now be able to assign portfolios to your students.
Request a portfolio template for a department or program
Contact the IT Service Desk with the subject "Blackboard Portfolio Template Request" and the following information:
The name of the pages and sections within those pages.
Weekly Logs
Name of the template (must be unique and easily identifiable to students)
Department or program for the template
Outcome: You should now have a template for portfolio assignments.
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