Using Voicemail in Teams Calling


Learn how to set up your voicemail in Microsoft Teams and check your voicemail messages. 

Table of Contents 

Recording a voicemail greeting for Teams calling   

You can personalize your voicemail greeting in Microsoft Teams Calling using the Teams app on your computer or mobile device. 

Recording a Greeting on the Teams Desktop App 

  1. Select the three-dot menu icon next to your profile picture or account icon in the upper right corner. 
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select Calls
  4. Scroll to locate Manage Voicemail
  5. Select Record a greeting
  6. Follow the on-screen prompts to record your greeting. 

Recording a Greeting on the Teams Mobile App 

  1. Select your profile picture or account icon in the upper corner. 
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select Calling
  4. Select Change voicemail greeting
  5. Follow the on-screen prompts to record your greeting. 

Checking your voicemail messages 

Once voicemail is configured, voicemail messages will show in the Calls view with audio playback and transcript. It will also appear in your email as a message. 

From the desktop or web application 

  1. Go to the Calls screen then select the Voicemail tab in the middle panel. 
  2. When you select the message, methods to contact the caller will appear alongside audio playback and the transcript will appear in the right-hand panel. If the audio was clear enough, the transcript will appear in the message screen. The message will also indicate how it was recorded along with a date and time. 

From the mobile application 

  1. Go to the Calls screen then select the Voicemail icon in the upper-right corner. 
  2. Select the message you want to listen to in order to play it. If the audio was clear enough, the transcript will appear in the message screen and in the notification of a new message. 

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