Submitting a proctored exam (instructors)

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Exams that Testing Services will proctor

Testing Services will proctor:

  • High-stakes exams for OHIO online courses
  • Exams for all accommodated students who receive accommodations through Student Accessibility Services

Submitting a proctored exam

This video provides an overview of the steps below. 

Students will not be able to register to take a proctored exam until you have submitted the exam via RegisterBlast.

  1. Select the link your campus

Note: Use the same link for submitting exams to ensure that you are able to view all submission history (you will still be able to submit exams to all campuses).

  1. Select the "+" to create a new exam submission.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Note: On the next page, you can select Next at the end of each section to move to the next, OR scroll down.

  1. Under Details, enter the Test Name, Course, Section Number/s
    • Use the format: Course Number-Section Exam type
      • Example 1: MATH 1111-101 MT1
        • MT1 is for mid-term 1
      • Example 2: MATH 1111-101 Final
    • Note: If you have multiple mid-term exams, adjust for each mid-term exam, i.e. MT1 and MT2.
  2. Under Details, Select the exam group/s for this test.
    • Computer Based (password will need to be provided later)
    • Paper Based (you may upload the test later)
    • Note: Only select one group.
  3. Under Details, select the Start Date//End Date.
    • The dates the test is available to the students
  4. Under Details, enter the Time Restriction.
    • Allotted Minutes
      • This is the amount of time that you will allow all students to take the exam. 
        • Note: If the student has extended time for their accommodation, it will automatically be factored in when they register for the exam.
        • Note: Leave the Start Time and End Time blank (these fields are not used by Testing Services).
  5. Under Manage Campuses, select the campuses where the test should be available to students.
    • Note: We recommend leaving all campuses selected. This will allow you to view all submission history in one place.
    • Note: The default of all campuses provides the greatest availability for students.
  6. Under Exam Materials, upload materials for paper-based exams.
    • Drag & Drop your file or Browse files on your device to upload.
      • Note: The OHIO Testing Services staff will print the exam and have it ready for the student when they arrive for the exam.
  1. Under Additional Information, select any Allowable items for this exam.
  2. Under Additional Information, enter a Password for students to log into a computer-based exam.
    • Note: A password is not required for paper-based exams.
  3. Under Additional Information, select your preferred Completed exam(s) return method?
  • Computer based test
    Delivery provider
    • Select N/A
    • Paper based test
      • Select one of the following.
        • Scan and Email
        • Campus mail-will be dropped in outgoing mail day of exam 
        • Pick up by professor
    • Note: This is only required for online exams.
    • Note: If other is selected, please provide additional details in Exam Instructions.
  1. Under Additional Information, select your Delivery provider if submitting a computer-based exam.
  2. Under, Exam Instructions, provide any additional information that the testing staff will need to effectively proctor the exam.
  3. Select Submit
  • Your exam should now show up on the “submissions page."
  1. Verify your submission.
  • Check that the status display is “approved.”
    • If approved, your student(s) will be able to schedule their exam at the OHIO Testing Center. 
  • Note: If it does not show as approved, contact the testing center at
  1. Inform your student(s) that their test is available at the OHIO Testing Center.

Reviewing your exam

  1. Login to RegisterBlast
  1. On the Submissions page hover over the vertical ellipses (three dots) next to a submission to select one of the following:
  • View
  • Edit
  • Clone

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Note: These options are not available on exam days.

Note: You cannot change the testing date after submission. If you need to update the exam dates, contact your campus testing center.  

  1. Select History to view student exam history.
  • View which students have scheduled your exam (date and time of  appointment).
  • View when students check in and out for your exam (date and time).
  • Export the exam information to a .csv or Excel format file.
  • Print the exam information.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

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Article ID: 510
Wed 8/3/22 5:20 PM
Wed 1/25/23 5:19 PM