All OHIO employees and students have access to training modules through Vector Solutions, including Data Security & Privacy training, and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) training, both of which are required by some departments and colleges.
Web browser
Employees should log in via
Students should log in via
Log in with your OHIO credentials ( email and password).
Once you have logged in, select Extra Training from the left navigation menu.

- On the Extra Training page, select the middle option, Campus Prevention Network.

On the Campus Prevention Network page, you will find all the training modules available for you to enroll in.
Select the training which you are interested in taking.
Once you select your desired training, you will see an arrow on the right side of the page under the words “To continue, please select a course version.” Most training will have one version. Select the right-facing arrow to continue.

Next, you will be presented with a disclaimer and copyright information. Select Accept to continue.
You will now see the Start Course button at the top of the screen. Select this to proceed.
Additional resources