Encrypting a Folder with Symantec Encryption Desktop Software

Tags pgp


User needs to encrypt a file or folder using Symantec PGP.




Note: These directions assume you have pre-coordinated the installation of Symantec PGP on your local computer or have established access to the OHIO Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) containing PGP in advance. Additionally, this assumes you already have PGP running in your unit. If you have a new use case, please submit a ticket with OIT to create a PGP encryption group for you and your colleagues.

1. Following installation of the Symantec Encryption Desktop software or accessing the software via VDI, you will need to enter your authentication credentials. Enter your OHIO ID and password and select OK

 Entering log in credentials

2. Navigate to the folder you want to encrypt using File Explorer. If a folder does not exist, you will need to create it. Once there, right-click on the folder, choose Symantec Encryption Desktop and then select the option Encrypt (folder name) with Symantec File Share…Advanced.

Menu of options from File Explorer

3. You will now need to add yourself and the PGP group assigned from OIT for your unit working group. 

a. Add yourself to the access list using the drop-down menu by selecting your username and then click Add.Add User Menu

b. On the next screen, highlight your name and click add to add yourself in the column Keys to add.All Keys Menu

4. Search for the working group that was assigned by OIT support by entering the group's name in the Search field and click the magnifying glass icon. The name of the group should appear in the Results column on the left. Select the group name and then click Add.

ohio.edu Key Menu

5. Click on OK to return to the Add Users screen. Then click Next.

Add User Menu

6. Using the drop-down arrow on the menu, select yourself as “signer”. Click Next.

Singer Signer Field

7. You will see the “Progress” window. Once the progress reaches “Finished” you will click Finish.

Outcome: Your file or folder is now encrypted.

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Article ID: 738
Fri 1/12/24 3:09 PM
Mon 2/5/24 11:45 AM