Third-party Application Data Access Consent

App consent is the process through which you grant authorization to an application to access specific resources on your behalf.  These resources could include your organizations’ data or individual information. When you encounter an app that requests consent, it’s essentially asking for your permission to perform certain actions. This often includes the ability to access data and this data may include sensitive information that requires confidentiality.

App Consent for Third-party Software

 We recognize that using third-party applications can offer convenience and efficiency. However, it is essential we exercise caution and consider the potential legal, privacy, and data security risks associated with these third-party applications. Shared data may contain sensitive university information that requires confidentiality, and the application's standard contractual language included in most click-through consents does not demonstrate the company’s commitment to protect the privacy and security of your personal and university data.  Applications that are not verified by Microsoft or already approved for use at OHIO will require a technology review prior to use.

If you load an application that requires a technology review you will be presented with the following window. 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

In the window, please enter a justification for your request and click "Request Approval".  Your request will prompt an email being sent to you that includes a link to this page and information on how to request a technology review.

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Article ID: 835
Fri 3/22/24 4:21 PM
Wed 5/22/24 3:36 PM