Creating Ticket Tasks


This article provides information on ticket tasks, when to use ticket tasks, and steps to take to create ticket tasks in TDNext, the technician application of TeamDynamix. Ticket tasks are used to engage other people or groups to contribute to a ticket while the ownership and primary responsibility for the ticket remains the same. Tasks are added to a ticket by the owner of the ticket.




Creating Ticket Tasks

In order to create a ticket task:

  1. Log in to TDNext with your OHIO email and password.

  2. Select the Applications Menu (the green chart icon in the upper left).

  3. Select Tickets.

  4. Open the existing ticket from your ticketing desktop or by using the search bar in the upper right.

  5. Select the +Add button.

  6. Select Task from the list.

  7. Give your ticket task a title. 

  8. Specify your start and due date.

  9. Specify the estimated hours to complete. 

  10. Under responsible, select the responsible person or group for the task.

  11. Keep notify responsible checked. 

  12. Add a short description in the description field.

When to Use Ticket Tasks

Tickets should arrive to the owning group and then remain with that group. Tasks are used to engage other people or groups as needed.

  • Reassigning a ticket gets it to the correct owner.

    • Example: A ticket comes into group A for fixing the widget. Group B, however, is the group that fixes the widget. This ticket gets reassigned to group B. The ticket is transferred to the right team that owns the overall issue.

  • Assigning a task brings in people or groups who need to work on some aspect or component of the overall request, even though these people or groups do not own the overall request.

    • Example: A ticket comes in for fixing the entire widget factory. This ticket gets assigned to whoever owns the overall widget factory. In this case, it belongs to group C. One of the necessary parts of fixing the widget factory is to fix the widget machine. A ticket task is therefore created for group B to fix the widget machine.

Outcome: You can now create ticket tasks, and know when you should do so.

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Fri 7/19/24 4:51 PM
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