Viewing SLA Reports in TeamDynamix


In TeamDynamix (TDX), you run reports to see how tickets are meeting the respond by and resolve by service level agreement (SLA). 

Note: Our pre-built reports only include tickets, not ticket tasks.  


TDNext Ticketing Platform  

Table of Contents


View Your Team’s Tickets Meeting/Violating Respond by SLA 

This report shows details for your team’s tickets that are meeting/violating (depending on your filtering) the Respond By SLA. 

  1. From the TDNext home page, select Tickets in the top menu.  

  1. In the left menu, navigate to the SLA category. 

  1. Select Respond By – Ticket Details. 

  1. Select your desired filters:

A. Status is one of 

1. All statuses except cancelled are selected by default.  

2. To select different statuses, hold the CTRL key and select your desired statuses.   

B. Prim Resp Group is one of 

1. Select the magnifying glass next to the Resp Group is one of field.  

2. In the top search bar, type your team’s name and select Enter on your keyboard. 

3. Select the check box next to your team’s name.  

4. Select the + Insert Checked button at the top of the screen.  

C. Created greater than (created after X date and time) 

1. Select the field showing the date and time. 

2. Select your desired created date and select Done. 

3. Your report will show all tickets created after this date.  

D. SLA Respond by Violated Is: 

1. To view tickets violating the SLA, select True. 

2. To view tickets meeting the SLA, select False. 

5. Select the Run Report button.  

Outcome: You’ll see a report showing tickets violating or meeting the Respond by SLA, depending on your filters.  

  • Tip: To view ticket that haven’t been responded to yet and are violating the Respond by SLA, select: 

  • Status is one of = New OR Open 

  • SLA Respond by Violated is= True 


View Your Team’s Tickets Meeting/Violating Resolve by SLA 

This report shows details for your team’s tickets that are meeting/violating (depending on your filtering) the Resolve By SLA. 

  1. From the TDNext home page, select Tickets in the top menu.  

  1. In the left menu, navigate to the SLA category. 

  1. Select Resolve By – Ticket Details. 

  1. Select your desired filters:

A. Status is one of 

1. All statuses except cancelled are selected by default.  

2. To select different statuses, hold the CTRL key and select your desired statuses.   

B. Prim Resp Group is one of 

1. Select the magnifying glass next to the Resp Group is one of field.  

2. In the top search bar, type your team’s name and select Enter on your keyboard. 

3. Select the check box next to your team’s name.  

4. Select the + Insert Checked button at the top of the screen.  

C. Created greater than (created after X date and time) 

1. Select the field showing the date and time. 

2. Select your desired created date and select Done. 

3. Your report will show all tickets created after this date.  

D. SLA Resolve by Violated Is: 

1. To view tickets violating the SLA, select True. 

2. To view tickets meeting the SLA, select False. 

5. Select the Run Report button.  

Outcome: You’ll see a report showing tickets violating or meeting the Resolve by SLA, depending on your filters.  


View SLA Respond by Violations by Team Member 

This report shows how many tickets are violating the SLA, grouped by team member. Team members are encouraged to use this report to monitor and manage their work. 

  1. From the TDNext home page, select Tickets in the top menu.  

  1. In the left menu, navigate to the SLA category. 

  1. Select Respond By – Violations Count 

  1. Select your desired filters: 

A. Responsibility is a member of 

1. Select the magnifying glass next to the Responsibility is a member of field.  

2. In the top search bar, type your team’s name. 

3. Select the check box next to your team’s name and select Enter on your keyboard.  

4. Select the + Insert Checked button at the top of the screen

B. Created greater than (created after X date and time) 

1. Select the field showing the date and time. 

2. Select your desired created date and select Done. 

3. Your report will show all tickets created after this date.  

C. Status is one of: 

1. All statuses except cancelled are selected by default. 

2. To select additional statuses, hold the CTRL key and select your desired statuses.  

D. SLA Respond by Violated Is: 

1. To view tickets violating the SLA, select True. 

2. To view tickets meeting the SLA, select False. 

5. Select the Run Report button. 

Outcome: You’ll see tickets violating the respond by SLA grouped by team member.   


View SLA Resolve by Violations by Team Member 

This report shows how many tickets are violating the SLA, grouped by team member. Team members are encouraged to use this report to monitor and manage their work. 

  1. From the TDNext home page, select Tickets in the top menu.  

  1. In the left menu, navigate to the SLA category. 

  1. Select Resolve By – Violations Count 

  1. Select your desired filters: 

A. Responsibility is a member of 

1. Select the magnifying glass next to the Responsibility is a member of field.  

2. In the top search bar, type your team’s name. 

3. Select the check box next to your team’s name and select Enter on your keyboard.  

4. Select the + Insert Checked button at the top of the screen

B. Created greater than (created after X date and time) 

1. Select the field showing the date and time. 

2. Select your desired created date and select Done. 

3. Your report will show all tickets created after this date.  

C. Status is one of: 

1. All statuses except cancelled are selected by default. 

2. To select additional statuses, hold the CTRL key and select your desired statuses.  

D. SLA Resolve by Violated Is: 

1. To view tickets violating the SLA, select True. 

2. To view tickets meeting the SLA, select False. 

5. Select the Run Report button. 

Outcome: You’ll see tickets violating the resolve by SLA grouped by team member.   


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Article ID: 994
Mon 7/29/24 3:06 PM
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