Canvas is designed in such a way that nothing is ever really deleted. Because of this, they don’t have any functionality that would allow you to delete a previous assignment attempt (what the Clear Attempt functionality does in Blackboard.) Instead, what you must do is allow an additional attempt. Unfortunately, Canvas does not allow you to give a single student an additional attempt. This article contains all possible ways to allow an additional attempt, and the considerations you should be aware of when deciding on a course of action.
Canvas in your web browser
Allow additional submissions for all
Edit your Assignment Settings to allow additional submissions
Consideration: this will allow all students to have additional submissions.
Assignment Comment
If it is simple like they submitted the wrong document, the assignments have a comment function that allows a student to comment on the assignment submission. That comment can include an attachment. You can ask the student to use that function.
Consideration: You must know to check the comment, and it will not appear in SpeedGrader.
Submit on behalf of student
Instructors can submit an assignment on behalf of a student, and this overrides the submission limits and due dates.
This only works if the assignment type is a File Upload Submission.
The student would have to send you the assignment submission directly.
Assign To
If the assignment due date has passed, you can use the assign to feature to open the assignment to a specific student or students.
Navigate to the assignment and use the three dots menu to select Assign To
Click Add to set a new Assign To selection
Assign to the student(s) in question
Set your due date and time, and availability date and time
Save your changes
Consideration: the original assignment due date needs to be passed, or this will reassign the existing assignment only to the student(s) in question.
Create a new assignment
You can create a new copy of the assignment and using the Assign To function as described above, assign this only to the student(s) in question.
Consideration: The student(s) will now have a different total points value than classmates as they have an additional assignment.