Preparing Panopto Videos for Sharing in Blackboard


To ensure viewer access of your uploaded Panopto videos, it is necessary for the recordings to be saved to the specific Panopto course folder. You may need to make a copy or move your recording to the course folder prior to uploading to your Blackboard course.


Windows and Macs


Method 1 (prior to recording): Create your video in the course folder

Prior to beginning your recording in Panopto, select the appropriate course folder where your recording will be saved.

Directions for Windows

Directions for Mac

Method 2 (after recording): Move or copy your video to the course folder

Your Panopto recording must be saved in the appropriate course folder to provide viewing rights for the students enrolled in your course. Panopto allows you to copy a session and move a session to a new folder.

  • How to copy and move sessions - Copying can be a useful way to move a session to an additional folder while preserving the original session location.

  • Create Reference Copy: Video reference copies refer back to an original source video but with a completely clean slate of viewer-contributed metadata, such as quiz results, comments, and notes. When its source video is edited, the reference copy will automatically also reflect the same edits. Learn more at Learn about video reference copies.

  • Note: Prior to making edits on an original source video, the user will receive a warning window indicating that the video is referenced by other video(s).

  • Create Full Copy: A full copy of the video does not refer back to the original video and allows for independent editing.

Method 3 (across semesters): Perform a course copy

When you complete a course copy in Blackboard where the course that is to be copied (the Source Course) contains Panopto recordings, a new Panopto course folder will automatically be created for the target course and will be available to the students (Viewers) and instructors (Creators) enrolled in the new course. This folder will not have any content in it. Also, the source Panopto course folder will be accessible to both the new students and instructors as well as the original user groups. To confirm this, you can check the sharing permissions for the User Groups shared on the folder.

Outcome: You should now be able to share videos on Blackboard.

Get Help

  • Panopto Support (Direct Vendor Support):

    • For Panopto specific issues, we recommend starting with Panopto Support for the fastest resolution. Their team is available 24/7/365 by:

    • Vendor Help Documentation: Get guidance on common user questions and explore advanced functions and features.

  • OHIO Office of Information Technology (OIT) Support:

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