Qualtrics may be used to maintain or share the university's unregulated data as well as some kinds of sensitive regulated data. By logging in and using the university’s instance of Qualtrics, you agree to its terms of service.
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By logging in and using the university’s instance of Qualtrics, you agree to the following terms of service:
Usage must adhere to the university's Computer & Network Use policy, Copyright policy, university brand standards, and other relevant policies, state, and federal laws.
You must protect the privacy and confidentiality of student, patient, employee and other institutional information, as required by FERPA (privacy of student information), HIPAA (privacy of patient information).
In accordance with federal regulations and Ohio University policy, all research involving human subjects must be reviewed and approved by an Institutional Review Board prior to any research intervention with a participant
Use of Qualtrics is restricted to the university's central missions of education, research and public service
Commercial use of Qualtrics is not allowed under our site license
Outcome: You should now be able to appropriately use Qualtrics to maintain unregulated and sensitive regulated data.
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Visit the Technology Resources and Training page for OIT training resources about Qualtrics
Human Subjects (IRB) Research at Ohio University
Research Projects Involving Human Subjects policy at Ohio University
Qualtrics XM Support articles and training material