Meeting options allow you to change settings so that your meeting is more secure and easier to facilitate, especially if the meeting is a large one.
Meeting options let you control:
Who can join the meeting without approval - The default setting is to admit anyone with the meeting link to the meeting without additional approval
What roles participants will have - The default settings allow anyone in the meeting to present content, mute others, record the meeting, and kick other participants out of the meeting
While the above defaults are convenient for small meetings, they can create security and facilitation problems in larger meetings.
Mac, PC, web browser, and mobile app
Locate the Meeting Options. Once the meeting organizer has scheduled the Teams meeting, the organizer can change that meeting's settings by navigating to its Meeting Options:
Option 1, via Teams Calendar:
Click on the Calendar icon on the left side of the screen
Select your meeting
Select Meeting Options
Option 2, via the text inside the meeting invitation (in Outlook Calendar or Microsoft Teams)
Select Meeting Options 
Configure each Meeting Option to best suit your needs:
Who can bypass the lobby? - Use this setting to select which groups can bypass the meeting lobby and gain immediate access to the Teams meeting.
Only You: As the meeting organizer, only you can get directly into the meeting. Everyone else will wait in the lobby until you admit them.
Everyone: Anyone who has the meeting link can enter the meeting without waiting in the lobby.
People in my organization and trusted organizations: Only people who have logged into the Teams meeting with their OHIO email and password and people logged in from organizations designated as a trusted organization can enter the meeting without waiting in the lobby.
People in my organization: Only people who have logged into the Teams meeting with their OHIO email and password can enter the meeting without waiting in the lobby.
Always let callers bypass the lobby - This option allows someone entering the meeting using the alternate phone number (audio only) to enter without waiting in the lobby.
Announce when callers join or leave - When this setting is enabled, an automated voice will announce the phone number of any caller who has joined or left the meeting.
Who can present? - The last option available in Meeting Options allows you to set the roles of people participating in the Teams meeting.
Change meeting roles in an active meeting. While in an active meeting, someone designated as a Presenter can change the role of another meeting participant. To get to this option:
Click on the Show Participants icon.

In the People pane, select More options (…) next to the participant you want to change the meeting role for.
Select either Make an attendee or Make a presenter. You will see a warning screen.
Select Change to complete the action.
Control who has access to meeting recordings.
Microsoft Teams meeting recordings can create privacy and security risks. Limiting who can record a meeting by using meeting roles in Meeting Options is necessary for meetings that may contain sensitive information. Before recording a meeting that may contain sensitive data, please review guidelines for Using Microsoft Teams with Sensitive Data.
By default, when a Teams meeting is recorded, it will only be available to the meeting's invitees. The owner of the recording (i.e. the Organizer/Presenter who started the recording) can share a link to the meeting recording with others once the meeting has ended.
If you are the owner of a Teams meeting recording, do not expand permissions or share links of meeting videos that contain sensitive or private information.
Outcome: You should now be able to configure the options for your Microsoft Teams meeting to best suit your needs.
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