Creating content in Blackboard Ultra


How to create content and move content in Blackboard Ultra


Mac, PC, web browser, and mobile app


Converting existing content 

  • There is a conversion process for existing content. You have the ability to preview your existing content in the Ultra Course format after the conversion to decide if you would prefer to convert or build fresh. You will be given a conversion exception report that indicates any features that you had been using in your Original Course that may have changed or no longer exist in Ultra Courses. 

  • Please note that the conversion report can only review native Blackboard content, it will not include information about your publisher content or add-ons. OIT recommends you check those links. Watch this YouTube video for more information on the conversion and preview processes.  

Copying content between Blackboard Original and Blackboard Ultra 

Copying from an Ultra Course to an Ultra Course

Building fresh content

  • You can build your Ultra Course with fresh content. In your empty course, you can go through the conversion process (YouTube video) and confirm that you want to use Ultra Course. Once you have done so, you can start building your content.  

Adding publisher or other third party content to a course

  • The following table provides information on how to add various publisher or third-party add-ons to your course. 

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Article ID: 167
Wed 3/23/22 1:44 PM
Wed 8/24/22 2:06 PM