Assigning co-organizers to Microsoft Teams meetings


After you've scheduled your Teams meeting, you can add up to 10 co-organizers to help manage your meeting. Co-organizers are displayed as additional organizers in the participant list and have most of the capabilities of the meeting organizer.


Mac, PC, web browser, and mobile app


Co-organizer capabilities

Co-organizers can:

  • Access and edit meeting options

  • Become a breakout room manager (NOTE: This requires additional configuration)

  • Bypass the lobby

  • Admit people from the lobby during a meeting

  • Lock the meeting

  • Present content

  • Change another participant's meeting role

  • End the meeting for all

Co-organizers currently cannot:

Note: Departmental/Shared Mailboxes cannot be assigned the co-organizer role.

  • View and download attendance reports

  • Manage the meeting recording

  • Edit the meeting invitation

  • Remove or change the meeting organizer's role

NOTE: To make co-organizers breakout room managers, you must first assign them the breakout room manager role.

Common scenarios that might benefit from a meeting co-organizer

Assigning a co-organizer to your Microsoft Teams meeting might be helpful if you:

  • Schedule meetings on behalf of someone else. You can set up and schedule the meeting, but the co-organizer will have the technical tools to successfully facilitate the meeting in your absence.

  • Schedule recurring meetings often. Without assigning a co-organizer, if you happen to be out of the office, you would typically cancel the normal meeting invitation and another attendee would have to reschedule a different meeting invitation at the same time. But now, if you know you'll be out or unable to attend your recurring meeting, you can simply add another attendee as the co-organizer and they can hold the meeting without you.

  • Teach remotely with a TA or hold remote meetings with a partner. By assigning someone the co-organizer role, they can easily assist with facilitator and administrative duties.

Adding co-organizers to a Teams meeting

  1. Make sure the people you want to add as co-organizers are already required attendees for the meeting.

  2. Select your meeting and choose Edit.

  3. Select More options (...)  and then Meeting options.

    • Note: This may open a new window in your browser.

  4. On the Meeting options page, next to Choose co-organizers, select the down arrow and choose the name of the person you would like to make a co-organizer.

  5. Select Save at the bottom of your screen.

Outcome: You should now be able to add co-organizers to your Microsoft Teams meeting invitations.

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Article ID: 506
Wed 7/20/22 3:22 PM
Thu 10/6/22 12:22 PM