Student Laptop Loan Program


The Student Laptop Loan program is located at the 4th Floor Desk in Alden Library. 

Ohio University's Student Laptop Loan Program is designed to support student success by eliminating financial barriers and providing access to essential resources. The program provides loaner laptops to students in need on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

Loaned laptops are provided for short-term needs, but no longer than the end of the semester. Loans may be renewed, but are not guaranteed based on availability.

Note: This program is available while supplies last.


Laptop (Windows) 

How to request a loaner laptop

  • Go to 4th Floor Alden desk to complete the request form.

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Ohio University's Student Laptop Loan Program is designed to support student success by eliminating financial barriers and providing access to essential resources. Whether students are pursuing a full four-year degree, working on projects, or facing temporary setbacks like broken laptops, this program provides a flexible solution. This program is available while supplies last. You will be contacted via email by a Warehouse Operations employee when a loaned laptop is ready for you to pick up. If you do not pick up the loaned laptop within two weeks of this notification, your request will be cancelled