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Directions for updating Microsoft 365 on your University-managed device.
List of software accessible by VDI
In-person technology help for personal devices
Describes the process for updating Windows 11 to a supported version.
Learn about what is installed on university managed Mac computer devices.
Ohio University's Student Laptop Loan Program is designed to support student success by eliminating financial barriers and providing access to essential resources. The program provides loaner laptops to students in need on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Downloading & installing the VMware Horizon client on your Windows device to access
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions related to Virtual Desktops
Help and Resources for working with VMware Horizon (VDI)
Download and install the VMware Horizon client on your device running Windows to access VDI
Download and install the VMware Horizon client on your device running Android to access VDI
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions related to Remote Windows PC Software Management
This agreement should be sent to students when they are assigned University laptop.