Spring Break Hours -- During Spring Break the Help Center will be open weekdays from 8AM to 4PM.
Dashboards in OHIO Bobcat Insights are displays of information from analyses. This article will explain how to locate the dashboards for which you have access.
OHIO Bobcat Insights (OBI)
Outcome: You are able to successfully find and navigate to an OBI dashboard.
Visit the OHIO Bobcat Insights (OBI) page to create a ticket
View all Help & Resources: OHIO Bobcat Insights (OBI)
Finance Systems OBI web page - Provides information on how to use the Finance and HR dashboards, and how to request reports from the Financial and Administrative Systems Team.
Professional Development Courses - Type "OBI" into the search box in the center of the page to see the list of OBI training courses available.
Registrar Data & Reporting - This web page provides information on how to request data from the Registrar's office and how to use their dashboards in OBI.
Institutional Effectiveness & Analytics Interactive Reports - This web page provides information on available IEA reports and how to use their dashboards in OBI.