Vector Solutions (Vector) offers certificates of completion after finishing a training or compliance content. This article provides the steps to take to view a copy of the certificate for your own records.
Web browser
In order to view a copy of a certificate of completion from Vector:
- Log in to Vector:
- Faculty and Staff training
- Student training
Note: The Vector login is behind OHIO's single sign-on (SSO). Use your OHIO email and password to log in.
- In the Main menu, select Training History.

- On the Training History page, update the dates near the top of the page with the necessary date range, and click Refresh List to see a list of trainings that you took during the selected date range.

- In the list of available trainings for the date range, under the Certificate column in the chart, select View Certificate.

- The certificate for the training will appear in a new window.
Outcome: You should now be able to find and view certificates of completed trainings.
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