Choosing Your Website URL


Custom web addresses can be set up to behave in different ways, depending on your needs. Descriptions of the basic kinds are included below. Don't worry if you aren't sure which kind of name you need. We will figure out which technology is most appropriate when we process your request.  

Types of Names

Top-level URLs 

A top-level URL is a web address that specifies the first folder path after and is most commonly used to house a major departmental or service website. For example, is a top level URL that hosts the Undergraduate Admissions website. All pages in this site begin with 

Vanity URLs & redirects 

A vanity URL is a web address that provides an easy to remember shortcut to deeper content within the OHIO website. Typically, this is used as a marketing tool to make it easier for visitors to reach a web address that might have a long, hard-to-remember URL. Once a visitor reaches the target page, the vanity URL is replaced in the browser by the actual URL.

A redirect is a navigational aid typically used to help users find the new location of web content that has recently been moved or had its URL changed.  

DNS names 

A DNS name takes the form of or and is typically used for servers, web applications or cloud services that require an OHIO-branded name. DNS names will be reviewed annually.

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