ID Cards


Your Ohio University ID card is used to verify your status as a student, faculty or staff member in good standing. Student IDs are validated by registration/enrollment information, while staff IDs are validated based on Human Resources records.

Protect your ID card the same way you would protect your driver's license or bank card. If you lose your card, you should deactivate it to prevent any unauthorized transactions. If you don't report or deactivate a lost ID card, you may be liable for any fraudulent transactions completed using the lost card.


Manage your ID card with eAccounts:(opens in a new window)

  • Add or view your Bobcat Cash balance

  • View transactions

  • Deactivate a lost or stolen card


There is no fee for your first card. Replacement card fees are based on the following:

  • Lost or stolen cards - A $12 replacement fee applies for cards that have been lost or stolen. Failure to report or deactivate a lost or stolen card may result in liability for any fraudulent transactions completed using the lost card. If your ID card is lost or stolen, you should deactivate it immediately:

  • Defective cards - A defective card is one that has lost its functionality and has no obvious signs of physical damage (bent, cracked, cut, etc.).  We will replace a defective card for free as long as the original card is turned in at the time of the request.

  • Damaged cards - A card that has visible signs of physical damage (bent, cracked, cut, etc.) will incur a $5 replacement fee. Employee cards that are damaged due to repeated use in the performance of official duties will be replaced at no cost. In either case, the damaged card must be turned in at the time of the replacement.

  • Name, status, or other changes - If your legal name, preferred name, university status (student, faculty, staff), or identification number changes, we will issue a new card for free if you return the old card at the time of the request. Before requesting a new card, please submit proof of the changed information to the appropriate office:

Who can access

  • Students, faculty, staff, and others

How to request access

  • Students: You will receive your ID card as part of Bobcat Student Orientation, or you can visit the appropriate campus location:

    • Athens Campus - Bobcat Depot

    • Regional Campuses - Regional campuses typically issue ID cards in their IT or Student Services area. Contact your specific campus for additional information.

    • Online Students - Email the Bobcat Depot to obtain your ID card through the mail. Include a passport-style photo of you as well as your PID number and physical mailing address.

  • Faculty and Staff: You will receive your ID card as part of New Employee Orientation, or your department may ask you to visit the Bobcat Depot.

    • Remote Employees: Email the Bobcat Depot to obtain your ID card through the mail. Include a passport-style photo of you as well as your PID number and physical mailing address.

  • Others: Community Cards are issued to individuals who are neither employees nor students but who need access to specific University services like Alden Library, the Ping Center, Aquatic Center, etc. Requests should be placed through the issuing department.


Services that require your ID card include:

  • Alden Library materials check-out

  • Ping Center, Aquatic Center, and Bird Arena memberships

  • Bobcat Cash at all Culinary Services dining venues and select campus retail, vending and laundry operations

  • Athletic event admission, student section

  • Meal Plans / Flex Points

  • Building access in some locations

  • Faculty/Staff e-mail activation and password resets

  • Bobcat Depot - to purchase software/hardware/apparel/accessories, etc.

Other locations or services also may require you to use your ID card.

Additional resources

Service support

Get help

  • Visit the Technology Help Center ( to get live support, view outages, and browse trainings.


Ohio University strives to make its digital resources and services accessible to all visitors, including those with disabilities who may also be using assistive technology. If special steps are necessary in order to improve the accessibility of experiences for end users, those steps must be taken. 
If you experience a barrier that affects your ability to access OHIO websites, videos, online forums, documents, or other information technology, please let us know
For further information about OHIO's digital accessibility resources, see:


The Ohio University Information Security Office strives to educate and empower the University community to appropriately manage risks and protect OHIO’s information and systems. This effort is facilitated through policies, standards, an information security risk management program, as well as other tools and guidance that are provided to the University community. This modern approach creates a safe computing environment in which the university community can teach, learn, and conduct research. 

For additional information about OHIO’s security resources, see:

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Service ID: 3
Wed 2/3/21 2:05 PM
Mon 3/18/24 11:55 AM