Evaluations of Preceptors and Students are loaded from eMedley into Salesforce on a monthly basis. Upon import, depending on the type of Evaluation, it assigned to a Faculty or Staff Member for review. Evaluations are reviewed and monitored or elevated if needed. This article explains how the faculty and staff members can navigate to their assigned Evaluations for review, as well as, access dashboards and reports for Evaluations.
Logging into Salesforce and finding assigned Evaluations
- Login to Salesforce: https://ouhcom.my.salesforce.com/
- For convenience, staff can access assigned evaluations by clicking on “Evaluation Reviews” from either the HCOM Students Home Page or the Preceptor Home Page.
- The staff queue for evaluations to be reviewed will be the same no matter which Home Page is accessed. This feature reduces the need to navigate between the two Home Pages.
- Keep in mind evaluations are assigned and elevated based on staff role, and staff will only have access to those assigned or elevated to them.

3. The page will default to “Recently Viewed”. Select the arrow next to ‘recently reviewed’ and select “My Evaluations to Review”. This will load all of the evaluations that are assigned to you and have not yet been reviewed.

4. Click the Push-Pin symbol next to the list view title to add it to the top of the drop-down menu for easy access in the future.

5. Select the record you wish to review to open it in full detail*. Depending on the type of evaluation form, different fields of information will be displayed.
- *You can right click on the record name and open a new tab to easily navigate back to this later.
6. You will be responsible for filling out the below fields on the “Reviewer Feedback” section located on the right side of the page. The “Reviewed Date” will auto populate when the “Reviewer Feedback” field is completed.
- Reviewer Feedback
- Reviewer Comments
- Annual Preceptor Report Flag
If the Evaluation Form is the 'CE - Student Evaluation of Preceptor/Rotation/Site' or 'CCE Student Evaluation of Experience/Preceptor (11/09/2022' you also have the option to indicate if there is a Learning Environment Concern (checkbox) and those details (text box).

Below are the definitions for the 'Reviewer Feedback' values:
- No Concerns - indicates the reviewer did not find any negative ratings or comments of concern in the evaluation for notation and/or follow-up.
- Monitor - indicates the reviewer would like to monitor this student or preceptor in the future and is making a notation to help identify the noted concern for subsequent monitoring. (Comments required)
- Elevate - indicates the reviewer has identified a concern that they will elevate to a next level reviewer or report for safety or compliance purposes. (Comments and immediate action required)
- Annual Preceptor Report Flag - indicates the reviewer has identified a comment about a preceptor that is inappropriate to include in the Annual Report. This flag will help identify the records containing a comment to be removed from the final preceptor report. (Comments required)
- Elevated & Addressed - indicates the “Elevate Designee” (Division Directors, Director of Clinical Education Operations, Clinical Assistant Deans, or Associate Dean of Clinical Education) has completed their review of an “Elevated” evaluation. (Comments required)
7. When you're finished editing click 'Save'.
8. Once complete, if you didn’t open the record in a new tab, you can navigate back to your list by selecting the arrow in the Evaluation Record tab and selection “My Evaluations to Review” shown below.

9. Repeat as needed.
Viewing 'Elevated' Evaluations in your List to Review
If the initial review is ‘Elevated’ by someone else and assigned to you to review, you will need to check a different list view, titled “My Evaluations Elevated to Resolve”.
- From the default list view page, select the dropdown arrow to the right of the current list name. In this example, “Recently Viewed”.
- Search for the list “My Evaluations elevated to resolve’.
- This will show the evaluations that have been elevated to you for review.

3. From the list, open an Evaluation record and read the comments.
4. To resolve the Evaluation:
- In the 'Reviewer Feedback' drop-down, select 'Elevated & Addressed'.
- Enter your comments.
- Enter the Reviewed Date.
Updating these fields will remove the evaluation from your 'My Evaluations elevated to resolve' list view.

Viewing All Evaluations for a Specific Student or Preceptor
You may want to see all of the evaluations received for a student or preceptor to identify trends. To do so, follow the steps below.
- For Students:
- Navigate to the contact record in salesforce for that student
- Click on the “Student Advising/Progress” tab
- Scroll to the “Student Progress” section
- In that section there is an “Evaluations” tab, select it. You’ll see a preview of recent evaluations and can click “View All” to see everything.

2. For Preceptors:
a. Navigate to the HCOM Preceptors app in Salesforce by selecting the 'waffle' in the left-hand corner, next to 'HCOM Students'.

b. In the search bar, search for the preceptor you’re looking for by name.
c. Select their Contact record.
d. Navigate to the “Performance” tab. Here you’ll be able to scroll to the evaluations students have submitted about the preceptor. Select “View All” for more details.

Evaluation Review Dashboard
Similar to the APA Dashboard, there is an “Evaluations Review” dashboard. It can be viewed at the following link: https://ouhcom.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Dashboard/01ZR30000009BaXMAU/view?queryScope=userFolders
It’s recommended to favorite this dashboard by finding it in the list of all dashboards, selecting the dropdown arrow all the way to the right, and clicking “favorite”.

Doing so will allow you to easily navigate to it in the “All Favorites” tab along the left side of the Salesforce window.

On the dashboard, there is a chart for “All Evaluations to Review” that will include all evaluations and are grouped together by the reviewer role. Click the bar chart for the records you wish to review to view the full report.

The 2nd graph displays “High Priority Evaluations”. These are Evaluations of “Student Performance Required (06/15/2023)” where the student scored a 1 or 2 in any of the ratings sections. It’s grouped by APA.

Next is a graph that will show Monitored Evaluations, meaning that they have the “Monitor” reviewer feedback status. It’s grouped by the owner of that evaluation.

Another graph displays all of the evaluations that have been elevated for additional review, titled “Elevated Evaluations”. These evaluations are assigned to the next level reviewer automatically based on form type.

The report 'Learning Environment Concerns' shows all evaluations that have the concern checkbox checked and is grouped together by Clinical Education Cohort Site.

Lastly, there is a graph for “Evaluations Reviewed” that will show all of the reviewed evaluations grouped together by “Reviewer Feedback”.

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