eMedley eduSched Dashboard/Clinical Rotation Capacity Dashboard
Information and instructions about the edusched dashboard, also known as the clinical rotation capacity dashboard in eMedley. This dashboard shows contracted, available, and scheduled capacity and clinical rotation data with our partners.
Clinical > edusched > Scheduling > eduSched Dashboard
Available vs Scheduled Capacities
The Available vs Scheduled Capacities visualization shows you available, scheduled, and commitment capacity data by multiple data points. These data points include Clinical Site Agreement, Clinical Education Cohort Site, Region, Unit, Campus Dean, Clinical Assistant Dean, and APA
- Use the filters along the top to filter by specific data points
- Use the Additional Filters on the right to also filter by Period, Clinical Site, Affiliation Agreement, Rotation, or Rotation Type
- Filtering by Rotation Type > Required will only show you the data for the required rotations
- The Dashboard rows show the same data in different views by category
- Settings allows a Capacity Drilldown Color Scale to be applied to the data
- Data can be exported to an Excel or CSV file. Export > Export to CSV or Export to Excel
- The Clinical Education Cohort Sites tab (at top) shows the same data as the Clinical Site Agreements tab without the Clinical Site Agreement data

- Double click on a number in the visualization to view what data makes up the number.

Scheduled Rotations by Period
The Scheduled Rotations by Period visualization shows you how specific rotations are scheduled by time frame. This view has the same filters as the Available vs. Scheduled Capacities so you can filter by Clinical Site Agreement, Clinical Education Cohort Site, Region. Unit, Campus Dean, Clinical Assistant Dean, and APA.
- Use the filters along the top to filter by specific data points
- Use the Additional Filters on the right to also filter by Period, Clinical Site, Affiliation Agreement, Rotation, or Rotation Type

Enrollment by Clinical Education Cohort Site
Enrollment by Clinical Education Cohort Site shows current enrollment numbers in a bar chart along with Clinical Education Cohort Site cohort numbers compared to discipline and rotation commitments.

Contracted Capacity
Contracted Capacity shows commitment data by Region, Unit, and Clinical Site Agreement. This view has the same filters as the Available vs. Scheduled Capacities so you can filter by Clinical Site Agreement, Clinical Education Cohort Site, Region. Unit, Campus Dean, Clinical Assistant Dean, and APA.
- Use the Additional Filters on the right to also filter by Period, Clinical Site, Affiliation Agreement, Rotation, or Rotation Type
- Data can be exported to an Excel or CSV file. Export > Export to CSV or Export to Excel

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