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Viewing both didactic and clinical schedules in one report, the combined schedules report.
Viewing rotation schedule and preceptor information in eMedley.
Configuring and managing eMedley homepage preferences.
Configuring and managing eMedley homepage preferences.
Using the eMedley aggregated preceptor evaluation export to obtain aggregated preceptor evaluation data for multiple preceptors at a specific clinical site.
Overview of the available reports under eMedley > Intelligence
Updating and adding to the eMedley homepage reference documents.
Instructions on generating or scheduling evaluations within eMedley.
Creating and editing clinical rotation periods in eMedley.
Using the schedule mail merge in eMedley to send schedules to preceptors.
Using the good standing letter mail merge in eMedley to create and send letters of good standing.
Instructions for entering and managing preceptor capacity in eMedley.
How staff and faculty view and complete evaluations in eMedley.
Using eMedley's combined schedules, student clinical sites and preceptors, and/or the clinical schedules report to view student or preceptor schedules.
How to view assignment, course, and clinical rotation grades in emedley