Getting access to the GitHub Student Developer Pack


Ohio University is a GitHub Campus partner and is expected to handle Student Developer Pack enrollments directly.

Example: Student is unable to enroll in the GitHub Student Developer Pack for an education benefit. GitHub support responds with, "We were unable to approve your educational discount request. Please contact your university system admin."


GitHub Cloud (


You must be enrolled for the current active term to be eligible for activation/renewal. Example: If it is still summer semester and you are not enrolled but you are enrolled for the fall term of the same year, you will not yet be eligible for activation/renewal. You will have to wait until the fall semester starts to get the GitHub Student Developer Pack.


  1. Student must first create a personal GitHub account on
  2. Student can then visit and authenticate using Ohio University's SSO.
  3. Student will be presented with a unique link for activating their GitHub Student Developer Pack.

Outcome: The GitHub Student Developer Pack will be activated on the student's personal GitHub account and a PRO highlight will appear in their GitHub profile.

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