eMedley Calendar Subscription
The emedley calendar subscription is a dynamic feed to the outlook calendar and will update automatically if there is a change to an event. Please follow the steps below for setup.
Subscribe to My Events = only calendar events to which you are assigned
Subscribe = all calendar events
- Navigate to Didactic > eCurriculum > Curriculum Calendar
- Once you are in the calendar view, click Actions in the top right and select Subscribe or Subscribe to My Events.

- It will populate the window to copy the URL for import into your Outlook Calendar. Click Copy Subscription URL to Clipboard.

Once the URL is copied, navigate to catmail.ohio.edu.
Click the calendar icon on the left of your screen.
Click Add calendar on the left of your screen.

- Choose Subscribe from web on the next screen.
- Paste the copied URL, add the name of the calendar, select Add to My Calendars and click Import.

- You should now see the new calendar as an option under your My Calendars.
Deleting the eMedley Calendar Subscription
- Navigate to catmail.ohio.edu.
- Click the calendar icon on the left of your screen.
- Locate the Teaching Assignment Calendar, click the elipsis next to the calendar name
- Select Remove
- Click Remove in the Remove Calendar window that pops up.

Merging your subscribed teaching schedule to main calendar (allows others to view)
This two step process will allow others to see when you are teaching/busy on your main calendar. The initial import creates a new calendar that is not visible to others. Please note, once you have merged to your main calendar, it will not recognize updates made in emedley to your teaching schedule.
Prerequisite: Initial eMedley calendar subscription
First step, Export items in teaching calendar
- In Outlook, click the calendar icon and locate your imported calendar subscription in Outlook. Select the calendar so it is the only calendar showing.

- Navigate to File>Open & Export>Import/Export

- Select Export to a file, then Next

- Select Comma Separated Values, then Next

- Select your teaching calendar, then Next

- Select Browse, pick destination on your computer to save the .csv file, then Next

- Select the checkbox next to Export "Appointments"...., then select Map Custom Fields

- Map the necessary fields by dragging and dropping (room info is not included)
- Date = Start Date
- Start Time = Start Time
- End Time = End Time
- Name = Subject
- Rooms - can leave blank or add Location

- Click Finish, the select your desired date range for export (usually by semester)

***If you are interested in having the Room information display on your main calendar, this is the point where you could do that. The process would be to open the .csv file you just saved to your computer and add the Room info after the event name in the Name/Subject field.

Second Step, Import to main calendar
- Navigate to File>Open & Export>Import/Export
- Select Import from another program or file, then Next

- Select Comma Separated Values, then Next
- Select Browse, locate your saved .csv file on your computer, select Do not import duplicate items, then Next

- Select Calendar for destination folder (this is your main Outlook Calendar), then Next

- Map the necessary fields by dragging and dropping (room info is not included), then Finish
- Date = Start Date
- Start Time = Start Time
- End Time = End Time
- Name = Subject
- Rooms - can leave blank or add Location
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