Search23 Results

How to install AirMedia Wireless display projection on iOS or Android device(s).
How to install AirMedia Wireless display projection on Windows OS.
How to install AirMedia Wireless display projection on Mac OS.
Quick access to help and resources for using a Microsoft Surface Hub
How to enable sound when using AirMedia (wireless display projection).
How to find technology in an OHIO Learning Space
Learn more about Technology Packages in OHIO Learning Spaces, such as currently available and optional hardware.
Locations of additional Small Study Spaces on Campus.
Quick access to help, resources and troubleshooting options for classroom microphones
How to reserve classrooms on the Ohio University Athens Campus for Ohio University activities.
Quick access to help and resources for Schoonover 450 classroom hardware
Trouble shooting issues with microphones in large, medium and small classrooms
Quick access to help and troubleshooting for media control boxes
Quick access for help and resources for wireless display projectors, including instructions for installing AirMedia on Mac OS and enabling sound.
Quick access to help and resources for lecterns.