How do I give extra credit in a Canvas course?


Instructors often seek ways to offer extra credit opportunities to support student learning and engagement. While Canvas does not have a built-in feature specifically for extra credit, there are several effective methods to incorporate extra credit into your courses. 


Canvas in your web browser.


Option 1:  

Create New Assignment with Zero Point Value 

  1. Log in to Canvas at 
  2. Via the Courses tab on the left global navigation menu, navigate to the course where you would like to add an assignment 
  3. Select the Assignments link in the course navigation menu 
  4. Select the +Assignments button  
  5. Enter the assignment name and description 
  6. Enter 0 in the Points field 
  7. Select any Submission Type 
    1. Note:  Assignments set to the No Submission type work well for classroom activities, such as in-class discussions or presentations. 
  8. Select Save 

Note: For a zero-point assignment to factor into a student's grade, you must add a positive point value to at least one additional assignment in any assignment group. 

Outcome: You’re able to provide extra credit points to students via an assignment 

Option 2:  

Add Extra Points to an Existing Assignment 

  1. Log in to Canvas at 
  2. Via the Courses tab on the left global navigation menu, navigate to the course where you would like to add extra points to an assignment  
  3. Select the Grades link in the course navigation menu 
  4. Find the assignment column you would like to add extra points 
  5. Select the line that aligns with the student you would like to give extra points  
  6. Manually enter the desired number of points in addition to the points already given for the student’s grade 
  7. Points entered will save automatically  

Outcome: You’re able to provide extra credit points to students via an existing assignment 

Option 3: 

Add Fudge Points to a New or Classic Quiz 

Fudge Points allow you to manually add or remove points from a student's overall quiz score. This feature is only available in SpeedGrader. 

  1. Log in to Canvas at 
  2. Via the Courses tab on the left global navigation menu, navigate to the course where you would like to add fudge points 
  3. Select the Quizzes link in the course navigation menu 
  4. Select the quiz you would like to add fudge points  
  5. Select the SpeedGrader button on the right side of the page 
  6. Select the appropriate student from the student drop-down menu 
  7. Enter the number of points you want to add to the overall quiz score in the Fudge Points field at the bottom of the page 
  8. Select the Update Scores (Classic Quizzes) button or Update (New Quizzes) button 
  9. View the final score after the fudge Points have been added in the Final Score area at the bottom of the page  

Outcome: You’re able to provide extra credit points to students in SpeedGrader 

Option 4:  

Add Extra Points using a Rubric in SpeedGrader 

Add extra credit to an existing Rubric by making the rubric worth more than the assignment and you can give students extra points or not without affecting the actual assignment points.  

  1. Log in to Canvas at 
  2. Via the Courses tab on the left global navigation menu, navigate to the course where you would like to add a rubric 
  3. Select the Rubrics link on the course navigation menu 
  4. Select the +Create New Rubric button 
  5. Add a title for the rubric in the Rubric Name field 
  6. Select the Draft New Criterion button 
  7. In the Create new Criterion popup window enter the name and description  
  8. Enter the ratings, descriptions and points 
  9. Repeat as many times as needed, including a criterion for the extra credit points 
    1. Note: If using rubric for extra credit, ensure the rubric is worth more points than the intended assignment 
  10. Select the Save Rubric button 
  11. Select the Assignments link on the course navigation menu 
  12. Select the Assignment you would like to add the rubric 
  13. Select the +Rubric button 
  14. Select the Find a Rubric link 
  15. Select the appropriate rubric by selecting the course from the link 
  16. Select Use this Rubric 
  17. When students have submitted the assignment select appropriate Assignment in the Assignment link on the course navigation menu  
  18.  Select the SpeedGrader link  
  19. Select the appropriate student from the student drop-down menu 
  20. Select the View Rubric button from the right panel 
  21. Enter points under each criterion 
  22. Select the Submit Assessment button 
  23. Add the total points to the Assessment field 
  24. Select Submit 

Outcome: You’re able to provide extra credit points to students in SpeedGrader 

Option 5: 

Create Extra Credit with Assignment Groups 

Sub Option 1 Create Extra Credit using Unweighted Assignment Groups 

When assignment groups are not weighted, you can create extra credit assignments in their own assignment group if you wish. You may want to create a separate group to help distinguish between the different types of assignments. 

  1. Log in to Canvas at 
  2. Via the Courses tab on the left global navigation menu, navigate to the course where you would like to add a not weighted Assignment Group 
  3. Select the Assignments link on the course navigation menu 
  4. Select the +Group to add an Extra Credit Assignment Group 
  5. Enter the desired name in the Group Name field 
  6. Select Save 
  7. Scroll down to the bottom of the Assignments Page to view the group you just created 
  8. Select the + button to the right side of the group section to add an assignment  
  9. Enter the name and due date of the assignment 
  10. Select Save & Publish  

This entire assignment group should have no points possible. When the student completes the work required for the extra credit assignments, you can manually add points to the Gradebook. 

Outcome: You’re able to provide extra credit points to students via an assignment group 

Sub Option 2 Create Extra Credit using Weighted Assignment Groups 

When assignment groups are weighted, Canvas will not calculate grades for an entire group that has no points possible. Therefore, for extra credit assignments to calculate correctly in weighted groups, they must be housed within an existing assignment group that has at least one assignment worth more than zero points. 

  1. Log in to Canvas at 
  2. Via the Courses tab on the left global navigation menu, navigate to the course where you would like to add a not weighted Assignment Group 
  3. Select the Assignments link on the course navigation menu 
  4. Select the +Assignments button  
  5. Enter the assignment name and description 
  6. Points possible should be zero  
  7. Select the Assignment Group from the drop down menu 
    1. Note: Be sure to select an assignment group with at least one assignment worth more than zero points 
  8. Select Save & Publish 

When the student completes the work required for the extra credit assignments, you can manually add points to the Gradebook. 

Outcome: You’re able to provide extra credit points to students via an assignment group 

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Article ID: 1141
Thu 10/17/24 10:16 AM
Thu 10/17/24 1:33 PM

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Canvas is an online Learning Management System designed to facilitate communication and the sharing of course content between instructors, teaching assistants, students, and guests.