***To support the Telephone Modernization Project, the University is adopting Teams Softphone as the primary phone service application for single line users.***
Learn how to set up voicemail notifications for email and SMS. Refer to a list of addresses for common cellphone carriers.
Mac, PC, web browser
To receive email or text message notifications when new voicemail messages arrive, follow these steps:
If you are off-campus, make sure you are connected to the VPN.
In your web browser go to https://voicemail.ohio.edu and login in with your OHIO ID and password.
Once logged in, select the Settings button at the top of the page. This should open a new browser page.
Go to Notification Devices and select View Notification Devices.
Select the SMTP link.
Put a check box in Notification Enabled
Enter your email address or the email-to-SMS address for your phone.
To receive notifications both via email and SMS, enter both addresses separated by a comma. Example of an email-to-SMS entry would be "7405931222@txt.att.net" for AT&T or "7405931222@vtext.com"). More txt addresses can be found on the bottom of this document.
9. Select Save at the top or bottom of the page.
If your phone number is (555) 555-5555, then your email-to-SMS address would be:
Aliant: 5555555555@wirefree.income.ca
Alltel: 555555555@message.alltel.com
ATT Wireless: 5555555555@txt.att.net
Bell: 5555555555@txt.bellmobility.ca
Boost: 555555555@myboostmobile.com
CellularOne: 555555555@mobile.celloneusa.com or @mycellone.net
Cingular (Blue): 5555555555@mmode.com
Cingular (Orange): 5555555555@cingularME.com
Fido: 5555555555@fido.ca
Nextel: 5555555555@messaging.nextel.com
Qwest: 5555555555@qwestmp.com
Rogers: 5555555555@pcs.rogers.com
Sprint: 555555555@messaging.sprintpcs.com
SaskTel Mobility: 5555555555@pcs.sasktelmobility.com
Skytel PagerPIN@skytel.com
T-Mobile: 555555555@tmomail.net
Telus: 5555555555@msg.telus.com
US Cellular: 5555555555@email.usscc.net
Verizon: 555555555@vtext.com
Virgin Mobile: 5555555555@vmobl.com
Voicestream 5555555555@voicestream.net
Outcome: You should now be able to receive email or a text message notifications for a voicemail.
Visit the Voicemail service page to create a ticket