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Learn how to manage your voicemail from a web browser, including managing various controls and viewing deleted and sent items.
Follow directions to setup voicemail notifications for email or text message (SMS). In addition, locate common email-to-SMS addresses for common cell phone carriers.
Learn how to manage your voicemail, your voicemail using WebInbox, setup email and text notifications, and setup your voicemail by Cisco phone type
Learn how to log in to Cisco Finesse on your phone or web browser.
Learn the required prefixes to place a call using Jabber.
Ohio University provides land line telephone service in faculty and staff offices, conference rooms, and other public areas on all campuses. If you will be working from home, you can access your phone and voicemail remotely, including call forwarding. This article will cover all situations and help connect you with the right resources for your telephone needs.
Users can find information on how to make specific call types from their campus phone.
Detailing the Cisco 8831 IP Phone and Features.
A full guide to using the Cisco 8945 IP Phone
This article will give you information on how to access your Voicemail and phone remotely.
Learn more about sending and receiving faxes via email attachments or through web uploads.