How to Log a NNP Visit to a Patient


The Nurse Navigator Program and Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) Program use Salesforce to log patient information at the time of intake as well as additional visits and education sessions. The article describes to how to log a NNP Visit to a patient in Salesforce. 

Login to Salesforce

Salesforce can be accessed at the following link:

  • Please select "Log In with OHIO Login" and use your OHIO SSO information to sign in.

Find the Patient's Record or Create a new Patient

  1. After logging in, you will see a red square on your homepage for 'DI NNP Patients'. You can select this button to pull a recent list of patients you've worked with or search all patients. 
    • You can also use the 'Search' bar at the top of the page to search a specific name. 


2. If the patient does not have a record, please follow the instructions in this article to create one. 

3. Once you open the Patient Record, along the right-hand side, there will be a section titled 'DI NNP Visits'. Here you will see a list of recent visits (with the most recent on top) and have the ability to create a new visit record. To create a new one, select the drop-down arrow next to 'DI NNP Visits' and click 'New'. 


4. The below window will appear. Fill it out to the best of your ability, then click 'Save'. 


5. Once you save the record, you will be able to see it in the log and return to it as necessary. 


Additional resources