This category includes information for the Diabetes Nurse Navigator Program, Diabetes Self Management Education (DSME) Program, and the Southeastern Ohio Diabetes institute QI Hub.
The Nurse Navigator Program and Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) Program use Salesforce to log patient information at the time of intake as well as additional visits and education sessions. The article describes to how to add a new patient to the database.
The Nurse Navigator Program and Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) Program use Salesforce to log patient information at the time of intake as well as additional visits and education sessions. The article describes to how to log a DSME Session to a patient in Salesforce.
The Nurse Navigator Program and Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) Program use Salesforce to log patient information at the time of intake as well as additional visits and education sessions. The article describes to how to log a NNP Visit to a patient in Salesforce.