Understanding Analytics in Canvas


Canvas offers several built-in analytics, statistics, and reporting tools that allow instructors to access data about their courses. This data can help inform the ongoing course design process.


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New Analytics

New Analytics provides interactive graphs and tables that allow instructors and students to track data related to course grades, activity, and communication. Instructors can track student grades, submission status, weekly course activity, individual student participation, and online attendance. Instructors can also use New Analytics to message students based on their submission status or grade.


  • Data is refreshed for published courses in the New Analytics dashboard every 24 hours. Report data may be delayed by 24 hours and Course Activity Report data may be delayed by 40 hours.
  • Only active and completed student enrollments are included in the data for New Analytics. Deleted or inactive user enrollments do not generate data.
  • In order for New Analytics to display in Canvas, you may need to enable third-party cookies in your browser settings.
  • New Analytics data does not display for unpublished courses.
  • Unposted assignments are not included in the New Analytics course grade tab.
  • Page view data should not be used to assess academic integrity.


  1. Log in to Canvas at canvas.ohio.edu.
  2. Navigate to your course.
  3. In Course Navigation, select the New Analytics link.
  4. As an instructor, you can perform various activities using the following tabs in New Analytics:
  5. You can also use New Analytics to communicate with students based on the analytics. You can:

Impact Course Reports

The Impact Course Reports tool allows instructors to view course activity and tool adoption reports for specific courses in real-time.


  1. Log in to Canvas at canvas.ohio.edu.
  2. Navigate to your course.
  3. In Course Navigation, select the Impact Course Reports LTI 1.3 link.
  4. The data presented in the Course Activity details can be filtered using the global filter bar at the top of the page.

Classic Quizzes: Statistics

You can view quiz statistics for classic quizzes that have been published and have at least one submission. You can also download comma-separate value (CSV) files to view Student Analysis or Item Analysis for each quiz question.


  • Quiz Statistics will not be available until at least one student has completed the quiz.
  • Quiz statistics will only be generated for quizzes with 100 or fewer unique questions or 1000 total attempts.
  • Editing a quiz with student submissions may affect quiz statistics.
  • Media items are not displayed in quiz statistics.
  • Answers that were edited or created in the Rich Content Editor for a Multiple Answers quiz question do not display in quiz statistics.


  1. Log in to Canvas at canvas.ohio.edu.
  2. Navigate to your course.
  3. In Course Navigation, select the Quizzes link.
  4. Select the title of the quiz you want to open.
  5. Select the Quiz Statistics link.
  6. From this area, you will be able to:
    • View Quiz Summary: Quiz average score, high score, low score, standard deviation, and average time of quiz completion.
    • View Analysis Reports: Download CSV files to view Student Analysis or Item Analysis for each quiz question to count all student attempts in the statistics.
    • View Question Breakdown: Total percentage of students who answered the quiz question correctly.
    • View Manually Graded Questions: Relative grade performance for manually graded essay and file upload quiz question types.
    • View Discrimination Index: Provides a measure of how well a single question can tell the difference between students who do well on an exam and those who do not.

Visit Canvas’ Quiz Statistics page for more details.

New Quizzes: Reports

You can view and export reports for a quiz created in New Quizzes. The reports available in New Quizzes are the Improved Quiz and Item Analysis and the Outcomes Analysis. The Quiz and Item Analysis reports include statistics for the entire quiz and individual items. The Outcomes Analysis report includes outcome mastery statistics for all students who took the quiz.


  • To generate a report, there must be at least three quiz submissions.
  • Outcomes associated with questions from item banks are not displayed in the Outcomes Analysis report.
  • If you edit a quiz after students have already attempted the quiz, the Outcomes Analysis report includes results previous to edits being made.

Solution: Improved Quiz and Item Analysis

  1. Log in to Canvas at canvas.ohio.edu.
  2. Navigate to your course.
  3. In Course Navigation, select the Quizzes link.
  4. Locate the quiz you want to open.
  5. Select the Options icon (three-dot menu) to the right of the quiz name.
  6. Select the Build link.
  7. Select the Reports tab.
  8. Select the Generate Report link.
  9. Select the View Report link.
  10. The Quiz and Item Analysis report includes two sections: Quiz Analysis and Item Analysis. The Quiz Analysis includes statistics for overall quiz scores. The Item Analysis includes statistics for items in a quiz and their correlation to the overall quiz score. Visit Canvas’ New Quizzes Reporting page for more details.

Solution: Outcomes Analysis

  1. Log in to Canvas at canvas.ohio.edu.
  2. Navigate to your course.
  3. In Course Navigation, select the Quizzes link.
  4. Locate the quiz you want to open.
  5. Select the Options icon (three-dot menu) to the right of the quiz name.
  6. Select the Build link.
  7. Select the Reports tab.
  8. In the Outcomes Analysis area, Select View Report.
  9. The Outcomes Analysis includes each student who has completed a quiz and their mastery results for each outcome. To view more details for an outcome, select the name of the outcome. To download the CSV file of the Outcomes Analysis report, select the Export CSV button.

Please note: Outcomes may take up to 48 hours to display in New Quizzes after they have been added to an account.


Outcome: You should now be able to access the various analytics and reporting tools within your Canvas courses, and view data or run reports related to course grades, activity, and communication.


Get Help from Canvas

  • Live chat with Canvas support (Faculty) 
  • Get 24-hours/7-days a week Canvas support  
    • Dial the Canvas Support Hotline number located under "Get Help" in the Canvas Global Navigation Menu 
    • Contact OIT at 740-593-1222 for questions related to logging in, test courses/manually created courses, or third-party tools (Panopto, VoiceThread, Inclusive Access, etc.) 

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Article ID: 1068
Wed 9/11/24 11:03 AM
Wed 9/11/24 11:57 AM

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Canvas is an online Learning Management System designed to facilitate communication and the sharing of course content between instructors, teaching assistants, students, and guests.