Folio Project Assignments in Canvas


Canvas offers a free portfolio tool for students, called Folio by Portfolium. Within Folio, students can create a single Portfolio as a collection of their work. Within their Portfolio they can create multiple Projects. These Projects can include works submitted via Canvas or imported from other locations. The limitation of each Project is that it may have no more than 100 artifacts uploaded/attached. 

Instructors can create an assignment in which the student submits a Project for the assignment submission. This help article will discuss how to create and grade such an assignment and share additional resources for learning more about Folios and Folio Project Assignments. 


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Create an Assignment

  1. Create an assignment in your Canvas course by selecting the Assignment + button
    1. Give the assignment a name. 
    2. In the text box, include a description of the information you want the students to include in the Project. 
    3. Include instructions for the students on how to get the shared link for their Project. 
    4. Include the directions for submitting their shared link as the assignment. 
      1. A sample assignment can be viewed on Instructure's website, which includes the appropriate language. 
  2. For Submission Type, make sure you are set to Online
    1. Ensure your Online Entry option is set to Website URL
  3. Set the rest of the assignment options as appropriate for your needs. 

Grade the Assignment

Once a student has submitted the shared link from their Project to the assignment in Canvas, you will be able to view the project from SpeedGrader, using the SpeedGrader functionality such as video and audio comments and file attachments.

Additionally, you will see some mark-up tools that appear as if you can add text comments, draw, and add images to the project documentation. These mark-up tools are part of the portfolio tool and will only work if the student has given you edit rights to their project. Any changes you make with those tools will not be saved if they have not given you edit rights.

Please note that if a student updates or changes their project after submission, they do not have to resubmit. The changes will be reflected in the Project. 

Outcome: You should now be able to create and grade assignments in Folio.

An infographic titled "All OHIO students have a Canvas Folio." At the top, there’s a graphic of a briefcase with the Ohio University logo. Below it, text reads, "Students can create and share multiple projects in their Folio," with folders labeled "Jour," "Art," "Health," "Econ," and "BIOS" connected to the briefcase by dotted lines, representing different academic disciplines. The next section states, "Each project can hold up to 100 artifacts!" Below this, icons depict various types of artifacts: spreadsheets, audio, images, presentations, charts, videos, and documents. At the bottom, a student is shown joyfully carrying two large folders with artifacts flowing out of them. The text reads, "Students can share their projects to showcase their work to prospective employers!" A handshake icon is displayed at the bottom, symbolizing professional opportunities.

Get Help from Canvas

  • Live chat with Canvas support (Faculty) 
  • Get 24-hours/7-days a week Canvas support  
    • Dial the Canvas Support Hotline number located under "Get Help" in the Canvas Global Navigation Menu 
    • Contact OIT at 740-593-1222 for questions related to logging in, test courses/manually created courses, or third-party tools (Panopto, VoiceThread, Inclusive Access, etc.) 

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Canvas is an online Learning Management System designed to facilitate communication and the sharing of course content between instructors, teaching assistants, students, and guests.