Sharing Content to Canvas Commons


You can share entire courses, assignments, modules, quizzes, pages, and discussions with other Ohio University faculty in Canvas Commons.


Canvas in your web browser.


Share an Entire Course to Canvas Commons

Please note: A course shared through Commons retains its published/unpublished status from when it was originally shared. If you share a published course, when others import that course, it will be published in their account. The file size limit for uploaded content is 500 MB.

  1. Log in to Canvas at
  2. Navigate to your course.
  3. In Course Navigation, select the Settings link.
  4. In the sidebar, select the Share to Commons link.
  5. Complete the required fields on the following page and select Share. It may take up to 30 minutes to process a resource. Resource previews are not available while the resource is processing.

Share a Resource to Canvas Commons

Please note: Content shared through Commons retains the published/unpublished status of the item when it was originally shared. If you share a published resource, when others import that resource, it will be published in their course. The file size limit for uploaded content is 500 MB.

To share a resource to Commons, it must already exist in a Canvas course. You cannot share files from your computer or other storage locations outside of Canvas. The steps in this lesson are similar for sharing assignments, modules, quizzes, pages, or discussions. The differences include opening the feature from Course Navigation and using the Settings icon on Index and Details pages.

  1. Log in to Canvas at
  2. Navigate to the course you want to share the resource from.
  3. In Course Navigation, select the feature area link where your resource is located.
  4. a. Locate the resource you would like to share within the feature area page, select the Options icon, then select the Share to Commons link.
    b. Open the individual resource to share to Commons. Select the Options icon then select the Share to Commons link.
    If there is a rubric attached to a resource, it will be imported and shared to Commons as part of the resource.
  5. Complete the required fields on the following page and select Share. It may take up to 30 minutes to process (share) a resource. Resource previews are not available while the resource is processing.

Outcome: You should now be able to share entire courses or individual resources to Canvas Commons.

Get Help from Canvas

  • Live chat with Canvas support (Faculty) 
  • Get 24-hours/7-days a week Canvas support  
    • Dial the Canvas Support Hotline number located under "Get Help" in the Canvas Global Navigation Menu 
    • Contact OIT at 740-593-1222 for questions related to logging in, test courses/manually created courses, or third-party tools (Panopto, VoiceThread, Inclusive Access, etc.) 

Get Help from OIT

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Article ID: 953
Wed 7/3/24 2:57 PM
Fri 7/5/24 8:14 AM

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Canvas is an online Learning Management System designed to facilitate communication and the sharing of course content between instructors, teaching assistants, students, and guests.