The Tech Help Desk will have modified hours for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday
You are unable to see or access a course in your Canvas Dashboard.
Mac, PC, and mobile app
There are a few reasons a course may not appear in your Canvas Dashboard.
Is it more than eight (8) weeks before the course starts?
A course you are teaching will automatically appear on your Canvas Dashboard eight (8) weeks prior to the course's published start date.
Are you listed as the instructor of record for the course in Course Offerings?
Courses for which you are listed as instructor of record will automatically appear in your Canvas account. Please contact your department admin for assistance if there is an error with your instructor of record status.
Are you trying to access a course that has ended?
Once a term ends, the courses associated with that term will no longer appear in your Canvas Dashboard. To locate a course from a past term, select the Courses link from the Canvas navigation menu (located between Dashboard and Calendar) and then select the All Courses link. Courses that have ended will appear in the Past Enrollments section.
Outcome: You should be able to access active courses for which you are listed as instructor.
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Contact OIT at 740-593-1222 for questions related to logging in, test courses/manually created courses, or third-party tools (Panopto, VoiceThread, Inclusive Access, etc.)
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